Saturday, March 8, 2014

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 9: Plus My Autobiography Title)

I'm sure I've stated this in one of the early blogs, but I gotta make sure you know there is a film behind the rantings of this clinically depressed, socially forsaken blogger, I WILL BE HAPPY TO PROVIDE ANYONE A COPY OF TREATMENT OF "MAIN EVENT OF HE DEAD" UPON REQUEST (

Eight hours to go, and I'm out of websites to look at. Suggestions...for well designed topical ones? You can have great content, but if it doesn't follow the standards I was taught 12 years prior, it's bullocks. Curse my obsessive compulsive nature.

Rationalization 25: There Will Never be a Socialist Internet (the top two hits for Far Left merch don't finance the movement)

It has left me thinking that commerce is really the only practical use of the Internet (your paying for streaming services). When you try focusing on a philosophy where money has no value, (if the "Schrodinger's Cat" series has suggested), you do not mind visiting places to spend it.

Can I get a commision eBay user jpntoys?
Perhaps if I have seen some actual support for the production of "Main Event of the Dead" I would at least have something important to direct my finances to, the old adage "a fool and his money are soon to be parted," wouldn't apply. Instead, I've learned that black and white are overplayed when it comes to fashion.

So even my accessorizing search has gotten boring. Once I get this "Sailor Moon" cap, I will have a hockey sweater and baseball cap for each color of the rainbow. Except for a yellow jersey, but I'm not Swedish (fan of their politics [Thanks Stieg Larsson]), and my team in the Eastern Conference is the Philadelphia Flyers (and I've always like the Pens' third jerseys best).

Suppose there is still a cool looking green wrestling mask I can continue searching for. Despite I haven't been overly impressed with Ring of Honor's booking, I still find it disrespectful to try and wrestle in my Delirious mask. WWE Networks's only Cibernetico's coverage has him masked, so I don't think that I can get that one by the Smarks (redundant since the local ones won't let me get away with anything).

Rationalization 26: I'm Russ Stevens and this is "Faux-Intellectual Jackass"

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

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