
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 11: Information Kills)

I've come up with some ways of promoting "Main Event of the Dead," but they're all dependent upon having some kind of enticing media to draw attention to it. My love for the written word prevents me from video blogging (but if any of my tempting female friends would like to read a press release for YouTube, that may work), so I think a movie poster is the way to go. If any of my artistic friends can come up with a cool pro wrestler vs. zombie image that is worthwhile, pass it my way and I promise some sort of fiscal compensation for your effort (effort...drinking money, worthwhile...we'll talk).

If you want to spread the word about any worth this project may have, I'd be happy to send you a treatment of the script so that you may promote the best parts...or at least give me pointers of how to clean up the worst. Please email me at

By Nose at Twisted Vision
It's tough to muster up the mental strength to write this blog. I'm kind of glad for the longer I had the "How you can help statement" to take up space. On the flip side, the start time for when I write this post was 90 minutes late.

Now we're in a homicidal Krusty The Klown zone:

  • Lack of Energy--that's bad.
  • Convenient Filler--that's good.
  • Procrastination--that's bad.
  • Using a 20 Year-Old "Simpson's" Joke to Fill Unnecessary Space--that's good.

What's really good today was that the distractions (after buying Cubs tickets and a Macho Man tank top... needs to look into that market for the tattooed wrestling fan...and an affiliate program so that wouldn't have been a free plug) lead me to come up with a way to complete my forearm to make my "Tank Girl" pop out more when I tell the world to "sod off." It's also a way to let me pay homage to KMFDM.

So those are a couple of little victories, but it reminds me of how nihilism has taken over.
 I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

Rationalization 37 (Preview): Complete = Defeat

I could really get on a Palahniuk roll to potentially wrap up this series of blogs, but I got to try shining the turd that I couldn't get to last week.

Rationalization 32: Insecurity does not demand equality.

I don't know if I would have cooled down from Jenna encouraging a loss of Marbles if the vertically challenged Peoria Chicago (so use to pissing on the appropriately nick named "P-Town") wrestling scene didn't express their lack of knowledge about the difference between inequality and insecurity. Or maybe I'm just upset about the lack of kayfabe because the heel's tweet was shared by the last face he feuded with (I haven't seen any booking announcements to indicate any turns).

One of the boys decided to post a cartoon on their Twitter feed (so I'll at least credit him for using the best social media tool I've discovered...Tumblr is calling out to me) opens with a frame that shows a guy tell an over-sized girl "I prefer thinner girls" only to be unanimously called a pig by a group of girls. In the next window, a shorter man is told by a woman that "I prefer taller men" to be cheered on by the same group of girls (only one of the stick chicks made a short insult).

The cartoon ask why men are pigs for telling a girl something she "can" control while girls can reject men who are short and not be demonized. My attempt to try calming down the insecure by claiming that women can't be judged because they are controlled by biology to focus on the better physical specimens failed (satire is truly a dead art). He claimed that men will be called pigs regardless of how they determine their ideal mate. This implies to me that if you feel insulted, you should get the opportunity to insult the verbal assailant. We shouldn't allow gender rules to dictate otherwise.

I'm sorry, were you called a midget once by a girl? To feel insulted for what you are, I think a derogatory term needs to be applied. Or a play on stereotype (sorry, I'm so use to being wicked short, I don't know them). I doubt a girl would dangle a napkin with her phone number above your head to taunt you. She'd just give you a fake number.

If you can't change it, don't feel insulted by it.

When it comes to waist lines, you are the ironic pig to use that as an out. You're basically telling the person to change to be likable. Thus, ignoring the fact that skinny is not the only thing to like about someone. And you're just being lazy. Can't you be creative and come up with something like...height? Or lie when you see what ever bobble that indicates their faith. If all else fails, choose Satan.

Rationalization 33: It's not me, it's you damn it.

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 10: Pretty VacAHnt)

I'm looking for someone to provide artwork to make up a movie poster "Main Event of the Dead." I'm looking for something that can feature generic pro wrestlers and zombies along these lines: Fat pro wrestler; Luchador zombie; Canadian stereotype(s); Juggalo; Asian stereotype. Feel free to just submit drafts, I will pay for a worthwhile design.

March 15, 2014

Thank you IHSA basketball from having me focus on the negativity that seemed present in my prior week. Since you are a sport that people consider...or I should say emphasized at important (if you are in the lower class at least), that typical guests book the hotel up come to your events. Lots of adults who need chauffeured to steak houses, and know that gratuity isn't included by their "bosses (assuming the Digital Store employees thought that as they were having me drive around a ice covered North End)". Thus, I do not to deal with kids at the hotels.

Rationalization 29: The American Dream is being a Jester.

Still, I thinks it's kind of funny, I think it's kind of sad (well, not the prior...I was just going for the Tears for Fears reference) that we make such a fuss about sports, to the point that we pay them more than anyone who isn't robbing the 99.5% of the rest of the country. Say what you want about Soviet Russia, but you had to enjoy their attention spans. Chess was a state-sponsored sport and hockey was nothing more than an excuse to show up the West. It wasn't about the money, it was about promoting their superiority.

Shouldn't Americans do that? Shouldn't they encourage nerds in hopes that they will make at least $60,000 a year instead of hoping they get picked up in the NBA draft.

At least that's what they did at Hogwart's. There was no cable market for Quidditch, so how profitable could that have been?

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 9: Plus My Autobiography Title)

I'm sure I've stated this in one of the early blogs, but I gotta make sure you know there is a film behind the rantings of this clinically depressed, socially forsaken blogger, I WILL BE HAPPY TO PROVIDE ANYONE A COPY OF TREATMENT OF "MAIN EVENT OF HE DEAD" UPON REQUEST (

Eight hours to go, and I'm out of websites to look at. Suggestions...for well designed topical ones? You can have great content, but if it doesn't follow the standards I was taught 12 years prior, it's bullocks. Curse my obsessive compulsive nature.

Rationalization 25: There Will Never be a Socialist Internet (the top two hits for Far Left merch don't finance the movement)

It has left me thinking that commerce is really the only practical use of the Internet (your paying for streaming services). When you try focusing on a philosophy where money has no value, (if the "Schrodinger's Cat" series has suggested), you do not mind visiting places to spend it.

Can I get a commision eBay user jpntoys?
Perhaps if I have seen some actual support for the production of "Main Event of the Dead" I would at least have something important to direct my finances to, the old adage "a fool and his money are soon to be parted," wouldn't apply. Instead, I've learned that black and white are overplayed when it comes to fashion.

So even my accessorizing search has gotten boring. Once I get this "Sailor Moon" cap, I will have a hockey sweater and baseball cap for each color of the rainbow. Except for a yellow jersey, but I'm not Swedish (fan of their politics [Thanks Stieg Larsson]), and my team in the Eastern Conference is the Philadelphia Flyers (and I've always like the Pens' third jerseys best).

Suppose there is still a cool looking green wrestling mask I can continue searching for. Despite I haven't been overly impressed with Ring of Honor's booking, I still find it disrespectful to try and wrestle in my Delirious mask. WWE Networks's only Cibernetico's coverage has him masked, so I don't think that I can get that one by the Smarks (redundant since the local ones won't let me get away with anything).

Rationalization 26: I'm Russ Stevens and this is "Faux-Intellectual Jackass"

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 8: Youth is wasted on the loud)

Just try to measure this snide one's temp
The problem with having a cat as a birthday gift is that you tend to have the same annual health related appointments. To Eva's credit, my blood work at age 33 (maybe I'll find a way to get out of it at 34) is my fault. But soon it will be prostate exams every year, and to Eva, I am sorry. I will not stand for her not getting her temperature taken at the vet.

Rationalization 20: Birthdays are for Essential Anal Invasion

Another birthday, and it reminds me of my perceived insignificance. Harold Ramis and Tim Wilson's passing the week of it reminds me of how little impact I've had from a creative standpoint. Ramis had the brains for it, so I can't say his success wasn't overly surprising, but Tim Wilson (smart, but not a Lampoon) was about dedication. I also think it had to be about being given opportunities and friends who remembered returning favors.

I can't say that I've been one to leave the impression of, "You better get me back," but I've always busted my ass for anyone who has asked (provided I haven't worked 6 days in a row...without the promise of promotion), so I'm not afraid to say I'm a bit frustrated that trying to be a good person is never rewarded.

Rationalization 21: Facebook is for Self Importance.

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.