Monday, April 22, 2013

What to do without Punk on a Monday? Feminism and Bad Wrestling

I suppose, I should actually turn to listening to the Riot Girl genre instead of waiting for the return of the CM Punk.  If only I was not listening to Bratmobile iHeartRadio at work.

My god, I did not mean for that to be a sensible transition to the why a lack of CM Punk makes Monday Night Raw nearly worthless (as a Danny Daniels student, I will still believe in the Shield, they still need more promos to keep my attention).  History lesson, Bratmobile would be the little sisters of Bikini Kill in terms of the Riot Girl (as a guy who preaches spelling Stevens with a V, I cannot bring myself to spell it Grrl). Riot Girl was a punk rock movement of the early 1990's that was about everything women need to be to fight the masculine authority through preaching the "do it yourself" philosophy to get the message across.  The music was pretty raw for the most part and overshadowed by other all girl bands like Hole (yeah I know there was a guy in the band, but trying telling Courtney Love he was not her bitch with a six string) and L7.

With the exception of Courtney Love, Peoria's premier bullshit rock station (you cannot really say any of them are not bullshit since Bloody Mess left for Oregon) 105.7 the X would lead you to believe that the other pissed off chicks were Alanis Morrsette (only her American breakout track) and Shirley Manson (ironic, but angry?).  Of course history does not sell in the Midwest.  Thus, I can claim Peoria radio encourages socialism because that is an example of a lack of compassionate capitalism.  Then again, as of 1995, we still had rascist history teachers in Morton (it is not okay to instruct white students to call Native American an American Indian, and since the cry baby conservatives calling for secession after Romney lost, the Civil War was about ending slavery not keeping the country together), so the RadioPlex is just doing their part to keep the redneck status quo.

The real pissed off women were going to make you listen and feel uncomfortable until you understood them.  Too bad it worked in 1992, at least in places in this country that count.  The movement stayed underground after the first Bush was defeated, thus Roe v. Wade was going to be safe for at least eight years.  Activist tried to bring the themes back for the W era, but I feel women were not concerned with it since there was terrorism.  On the bright side, Bin Laden did keep the country's mind off of wanting to burden this country with unwanted children.

The downside is women seem to be adjusting their beliefs and fears to the conservative agenda.   Guns will not save women from being raped.  Forcing society to call bullshit on it will.  Unfortunately, most guys will not take the time out of their day to do so.  Most guys are not raping, so why step on the roofie market (especially when we need a reason for Helms, Cooper, and Galifianakis to destroy "culturally corrupt" cities).

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