
Friday, October 30, 2020

Queen of Wednesday, the 1998's Interim King, and the Screwjob Was a Work

 *Blog post started on October 28, 2020.

Oh the things you will write about when time crawls. And a stimulus will not occur till January at the earliest if ever. I just need the traffic. Too bad my station has a tablet and desktop at it. It would definitely look like I am not doing my job to have a laptop out on top of that.

On top of coming up with stuff when time is crawling, I have gotten myself into a situation where I need freshish wrestling takes. My "Ring Draft - Monday Night Raw 2020 - I Can Book with That" post held up pretty well (Just one more episode will prove I am a soothsayer.) from the time it was posted to when I started tweeting that out, but when I do not engage with the WWE product directly (Tony Khan needs those numbers.), I am starting to question my expertise on the business as a whole. My failure to use my remaining vacation days to catch indie shows does not help, but NJPW World still needs my time.

For my readers who solely follow (I may need to spread out my promotional tweets over all for of my Twitter handles (@russthebus, @catbusruss, @ninetyforchill...I suppose this one should get a third of them for the accompanying website, but my primary website needs @maineventzombie.), I do need to provide a decent amount of content per post to warrant the forwarding on to a sister site (like Russ's Remnants of Anime or Disgruntled Real Championship Wrestling). Fortunately, there has been a wrestling title change that needs to be addressed before I tell you why Bret Hart was not screwed in 1997, at least in terms of his WWF departure.

The 47th Current Disgruntled's Real World Women's Champion:

AEW World Women's Champion Hikaru Shida (Reign began on 10/25/2020):

After the lengthiness of the Bayley versus Sasha Banks storyline and a near five-star match to conclude Bayley's reign, I understand if you think this is the wrong decision. Especially after acknowledging that I am a devotee of AEW. Obviously, I must ask you to hear me out.

Banks has never defended her championship successfully since NXT five years prior. Hikaru Shida's defeated the best big woman, Nyla Rose, to earn the championship and proved to be superior than NWA's champion, Thunder Rosa. The word on the street is Thunder Rosa has signed with WWE, so they cannot trade wins, so AEW has themselves a more legitimate champion than a past Real Women's Championship. Banks can blame WWE talent relations for me not choosing her.

Time is definitely going to tell when it comes to who is the better champion, but I think Bank's reign cannot end before Shida's to take this title.

Now, I would like to suggest that Io Shirai may have a better claim than Banks. When then NXT champion Shayna Baszler won the triple-threat match between the past two champions, Becky Lynch and Bayley, it showed that the NXT title should be on the same level as Raw's or Smackdowns. But, she failed to hold the title longer than the other title holders and falling to Lynch at WrestleMania. With no title being on the line at the past Survivor Series, what were the real stakes?

You can refer to my "The OCHO or the Disgruntled's Real Secondary Championship" and say that I made Roderick Strong a part of that history because of his success at the 2019 Survivor Series over WWE's US and IC champs. But, the champions he beat lost their titles before he lost his. He proved that his reign as North American Champion was not a fluke. Hence, Baszler did not elevate her championship, so Io Shirai cannot qualify yet.

When it comes to the other gender's Disgruntled's Real Champion, it all depends on what you believe in terms of kayfabe. Did Bret screw Bret? I think his pay days say otherwise.

"Wrestling with Shadows" Is a Docudrama at Best.

If Montreal was a work, Shawn Michael 97 might be a worthy champion. See how it plays out at
I fucking love Paramore - Pinterest

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Doorman - Die Hard with Girl Power and a Norwegian Knock Off Bill Burr

*Blog post started on October 27, 2020.

My prior vacation day, I felt I was clinging to my past. This most recent one(s), old is how I feel.

With a three-day weekend, I think I got a lot accomplished. There is a new tattoo. Peoria bars were fun with genuine interactions, and I made it to more of them than usual. I paid my respect to Stacia Marie Hardin and discovered a cool block of shops in Pekin. Who would not call the last Co Op records in the Heart of Illinois being located by a thrift shop and a used bookstore operated by TAPS No Kill Shelter (featuring kittens and a polydactyl cats) a little slice of heaven in a town whose mascot was once the Chink? To the town's credit, the appropriation of the dragon into their municipal logos is cool.

I spent time with my folks with only the hourly mention of Hunter Biden's emails. Perhaps I should have spent the night and watch the Michigan State game, but a day where I did not leave my apartment and caught a lot of Pokemon was good (It was "Pokemon Let's Go Eevee". Perhaps the games are becoming to expansive. 20 hours of story is all you really need.). Sunday I was back at the retailer, but with a Redbox $0.75 off coupon and groceries to grab. With back in working order, a review of "The Doorman" at 1 hour 37 minutes would be perfect content. Too bad I called it an early night. Catching up with the G1 Climax finals led to me being exhausted. This obviously felt odd since I did nothing extraneous on Saturday.

Since I will end up at some point putting out an abridged version of this post, let me fill up some space.  Thanks Redbox for the reasonable Blu-ray rental price and the inflated DVD rental fees. We as a society need to rid ourselves of standard def. Screw those who hate change. There is a good chance they will further ruin the country in a week. Let me have this.

Did I over exert myself taking a chest freezer out to a customer's car? Was the replacement air fryer too much work to move as I nearly lost it when I walked into a security pylon? The amount groceries I took home was less than usual.

This left me with a dilemma. I had a movie to watch and I would not be back from the bank until 6:15 pm. There was still dinner to make. So apologies for rushing through about five minutes of this Ruby Rose feature. The feeling of victory getting it back to an appropriate vending machine with 10 minutes to spare warrants this action. And it at least gave me some good vibes from this film.

The Doorman

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes - The Doorman (2020)
Лена Кусок Полена - Pinterest

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Ring Draft - Monday Night Raw 2020 - I Can Book with That.

 *Blog post started on October 20, 2020

I guess we are in a holding pattern until after November 3. That sucks in when it comes to coming up with blogs. Tentatively, this post would be published (I mean promoted.) on the fourth of next month. It could be a whole new world by that point, so how could the exercise of going into my head be relevant by that point.

30 Minutes Later:

Working on a tattoo design did kill some of the time. I suppose I could go to The Ringer or AV Club to amuse myself till closing time. A Letterboxd account is something I should establish at some point. It might be a good way to promote If it serves as a database for my knowledge, that could take up an entire shift.

But I do not have an entire shift, so lets return to the initial blog title, Ring Draft - "Monday Night Raw". There is no question that I would like to be a part of the Screen Drafts Podcast, but I do a lack the bibliographic fame and accreditation outside Illinois Central College's mass communication department from the 2001 to 2010. Thus, that is territory I shall not walk directly on. Fortunately, someone has to do a wrestling draft right. 

Too bad my draft response will probably be promoted a month after relevance. I guess I better hope my other posts have knocked it out of the park. Perhaps my ex-girlfriend is right and I should just do YouTube videos. That requires less thought from the audience.

"USA Network" Draft 2020:

  1. Drew McIntyre (WWE Champion)
  2. Bray Wyatt
  3. The Hurt Business (featuring the US Champion)
  4. Randy Orton
  5. AJ Styles
  6. Braun Strowman
  7. Jeff Hardy
  8. Matt Riddle
  9. Ricochet
  10. The Miz and John Morrison
  11. Retribution
  12. Keith Lee
  13. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods (Tag Team Champions)
  14. Elias


See if I have the same mind for the business as Vince McMahon at


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

"Me and My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse" - A Mostly Positive "Oi, Oi, Oi"

*Blog post started on October 20, 2020.

My weekend was not too bad. They have hired enough newbies at the retailer that I work for the most part just have to make sure nothing goes wrong at check out and our customer service experts are now scheduled properly. Without too much pressure, I think I can work almost all the time. It keeps my mind off my existential crises and the pay makes it a net positive. Who needs a therapy when you could make $15 an hour?

I could probably get the same vibe by consuming my stockpile of Zoloft (as per the dosage directions). Work will free you is a bullshit comment in the end. It is just a different kind of numb. YouTube wormholes do not help.

Sunday was alright because I at least had the time to video games. Once the ex called to check on her cat and encourage me to abandon the written word for the video abyss, I decided to leave the gaming chair to get comfortable. Eva the Queen Kitty filled that spot immediately after I left to answer the phone, so that put an end to catching Pokemon. This was interpreted as a sign that I should watch a feature to feed the blogs. My little brother's abandoned copy of "Board Heads (a.k.a. "Beach Movie")" fit the criteria (Longer than 75 minutes, Shorter than 97).

I do not know if I made it 15 minutes into this attempt to bridge Cinemax's late night features with early 80's dudes trying to get laid flicks that have aged poorly. The latter genre for the most part does not bother me too much. If you want to say that "Revenge of the Nerds" is far too rapey, I will remind you that the premise is REVENGE.

We are cool with brutal vengeance from "I Spit of Your Grave". Violence for violence is that case. Exploitation and objectification in the name of teaching a judgemental asshole, the mental scars are too harsh.

I would imagine that "Board Heads" would try to emulate something like that with Bronson Pinchot or Loretta Swit, but the Uwe Boll dialogue on top of establishing shots as the only direction lead to me tapping out early. Not early enough to put another flick in unfortunately if I wanted to watch "Last Week Tonight" at a reasonable hour. This lead me to return to YouTube before the episode aired, and probably an hour after it did so.

Yesterday was turning out to be exactly the same after "Being the Elite". AEW really needs to get an HBO Max hub or its own streaming product (like every other "major" promotion). If there is a decent What Culture Wrestling/Horror/Gaming video that shows up after I finish "BTE", you can count on me losing another hour. I knew I had to make something of the day.

There has been some jonesing for Jim Jefferies's humor since he left Comedy Central and I had success with a previous Oceania horror comedy in "Bad Taste". It was time for an iTunes impulse buy in "Me and My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse".

"Me and My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse"

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Ryan Manlaw - Pinterest

Mondo's Cult Posters Hit Big Time in Oscars Archive

Monday, October 19, 2020

Bad Taste: Peter Jackson, The WWE Intercontinental Championship, and Billy Corgan

 *Blog post started on October 16, 2020.

My three day weekend cannot come soon enough. The Staley blog network (,, Russ's Remnants of Anime, and Disgruntled Real Championship Wrestling) are scheduled out to early November, so it will be a nice change of pace to not keep stockpiling content. The biggest problem for my blogs right now is a dependence upon wrestling content.

And with that said, I may as well address recent championship title changes in pro wrestling. "Bad Taste" is in the title of this blog post, and that is the general consensus of what people think the fans of that industry have. My personal taste says we fans should lean into that more, but when I suggest the Katie Vick was a fun angle, that opinion maybe disqualified.

As a horror and occasional raunchy comedy fan, I respect when the creators take something further than what the audience considers far enough. If Triple H did not toss the brains at the end of the funeral parlor segment, my thoughts about the angle would be that it was in poor taste. Once that poor taste has been taken to the bad realm, the imagination of the audience has been destroyed. To gain that kind of control is something I admire.

Perhaps my opinion is not valid from a content creator stand point. I had met Billy Corgan once after an AAW show in 2011. My alcohol consumption was enough for me to stick my nose into a conversation in regards to a performer's height he was having with Scarlett (now with NXT). If anything, my in was trying to say she was tall enough at 5'6" if I was able to shit the bed in that night's dark match at 5'5".

Somehow it all devolved into a conversation between him and I about whether or not "The Hangover Part II" was superior than its predecessor. His opinion was that it was not. Mine was that because it took a bad movie to the furthest extreme, it was. I guess that means the reason he is or was (Running a wrestling promotion is usually a financial drain) making millions and I am struggling to get my B-Movie screenplay, "Main Event of the Dead" produced.

If you have any suggestions on how to get my pro-wrestling zom-com out of development hell or would like a treatment of the script to see if it worth any attention, email

Why is the Intercontinental Championship a part of the blog title? Because the recent Sami Zayn angle behind it was done in bad taste. How do you end up stripping a champion because of COVID-19, but Brock Lesnar was never rushed to defend his championships over the past six years?

It is great that Zayn won the title in the most despicable way. It is also great that he wiped out any meaning the Jeff Hardy and AJ Style's reign had. With Brodie Lee losing the TNT Championship, these two reasons suggest that the Intercontinental Championship is the most important part of the DRCW's Ocho Championship (Intercontinental, IWGP United States, WWE United States, Television, X Division, National, North American, TNT)

The 148th Disgruntled's Real Ocho Champion

AEW TNT Champion Mr. Brodie Lee (8/24/20 to 10/7/20)

Is the Intercontinental Championship greater than the TNT Championship? See why it is not be visiting

Bad Taste

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Thursday, October 15, 2020

FMK: Full Metal Yakuza, Boredom, and Mystical Catholic C-Word

*Blog post started on October 15, 2020.

This Takashi Miike film is a celebration of bad video effects from the 1990's Cinemax and direct-to-video. Too many pixelated images and penis talk for my taste but what you should expect from Miike.

I would say it is almost to the point that I wish we had our next stimulus packages just so we could have a little more traffic in the bank. Then I thought about how we should have received that next package or at least have the Senate working on that out of principle. Instead, the conservative cocksuckers are trying to grant a mystical catholic Karen to the Supreme Court because hopes of destroying the lives of those not like them is more important than saving lives in general. It is almost like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are just trying to rub our noses in it.

Am I really worried about what a law professor at a Catholic school who would have never gotten to hold a judicial position for the past (and only) three years if it was not for a crooked president? Not really.
21 Pieces Of Career Advice From "Seinfeld" - Buzzfeed
Do you really want to encourage the left to stack the court by messing with laws that only serve the rich and truly naive? Truly naive, that may have been the kindest words I have ever used to describe the likes of:
  • @skram84
  • @wrathcat
  • @UWSPete
  • @KevinBurton7
  • @dylancenneno
  • @dragontage1
  • @MSMCali
  • @RoxieCorleone
  • @footankledude
  • @LetItFly04
  • @richmccormick66
  • @bryanmclemore
  • @bubblesyell02
  • @onegeorgiapeach
  • @PufferfishNinja
  • @GuyLafleur65
  • @jwylde
  • @rshrahily
  • @mitsaluna
  • @floplag
  • @reggiec23
  • @sircumsalot71
  • @redtheraider
  • @asusieq007
  • @clarosa41
As I wrote about in "FMK: Cats, Common People (Like You), and Cantonese Cartmen", I suspect being in flyover states is the reason that "fucking assholes" is the best way to describe them. These are the type of people who feel that tend not to deal with the disenfranchised whom they deem are nothing more than an inconvenience to them. But since some of those living in poverty are relatives in trailer parks, they are a little more tolerant of people with the same skin tone. Anyone who wants to change things based on compassion fails to understand the rigid nature of the Constitutions and are thus enemies of the State to them.

And because COVID-19 is something that a 74-year old obese man can survive, surely their morbid state of weight can withstand a battle with a disease that might as well not exist. With that kind of ignorance/stupidity, I cannot help but wonder how they can afford a marked up drink that warrants bars being open. The stimulus is obviously not their concern.

You have just witnessed how a joke can bomb from inception just like a Trump male. Now is that not a great save?

The blog post I wrote yesterday ("FMK: Cats, Common People..."), was started with only a couple hours of work to get through. As everything falls into place as the week goes on, an hour of tasks falls off, leaving me with three hours to fill. I could just throw up a YouTube video review at the top of this blog to fill up space (and because it fit better than the topic of the next paragraph when it came to titling this post), but I will probably have an hour left of twiddling my thumbs. With my retail gig needing someone just for the last hour of the night, it might be a good time to look through Facebook, but I have less than half a battery on a Samsung Galaxy S8.
This leads me to wonder what kind of itinerary needs to be comprised next week's three-day weekend to get a phone upgrade and a tattoo without making two trips to Peoria. One item will be approved by my parents (since they manage the phone plan), the other would not, so fitting both of them into one trip will be tricky. It would not be an end of the world scenario for them to find out I was getting more ink, but if I can avoid headaches, should I not?

Hence, why I have yet to work up the nerve to bring in my Switch to work. The fears of a crackdown over the staff use of downtime are prevalent. I hear from a manager, "I watched the tape," and I second guess my plans. Perhaps I am just too respectful of the left brain's opinion, the conservative part of the brain coincidentally. Is a job really worth having if you cannot play the best Pokemon game during downtime. Fuck "Pokemon Go!".

Am I becoming to Seinfeldian? This blog kind of seems to be about nothing. It started out about boredom and ends with me trying to justify that status. Now I am pondering if I just need to keep my hands away from the keyboard. Why would you want to continue writing after you told the Pikachu on your phone to go intercourse itself?


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

FMK: Cats, Common People (Like You), and Cantonese Cartmen

 *Blog post started on October 14, 2020.

I am working too much, but that is kind of the norm. This leads me to wonder, "What is my number one dilemma right now?"

The most accurate answer is trying to get my ex-girlfriend to not make an ill advised decision in moving with a Trump twat to Robinson, IL. If I cannot do that, then I need to at least get her to take back her cat since the luxury of the middle of nowhere is a house that the NRA ninny is inheriting which is surely big enough for two cats. They would both be boys, and I am certain the one she is living with now is far younger and more playful than the Queen Eva. That seems like an ideal match to me.

Skimble and I are very much a like and she could definitely use that empathy. The current boyfriend and former fiance is a Trump supporter, so you know there is not any empathy there. Just look at these Twitter assholes' offerings:


Speaking of support for fascism, I think I have at least gotten Mom to tone down about it. Perhaps my little brother deserves some of the credit as well. She bitches about it, but will not engage in discussion. The feeling I have is that she knows can put her in her place. How she responded to that knowledge pretty much guarantees a familiar explosion if I or he were to do it again. Her love and support is appreciated, but she is an example of why college is important. You are not going to be willing to change your views if the money spent to succeed is put at risk.

Or it may just be Central Illinois outside of Champaign/Urbana that limits your willingness to understand people. I was the most well off performer on the Peoria Wrestling scene. This probably explains some of the grief about me spouting off my opinions. Those assholes thought I was not risking anything. In the end, they were right because wrestling in Peoria is not something you have to sacrifice for.

All you are doing is amusing yourselves, the fans are secondary. Unfortunately, kayfabe is tertiary. If you want to be nice to fans, get a merch table instead of bumming cigarettes from them at intermission.

There was always a sense of disconnection from this crowd. I was not far from leaving Greece with a thirst for knowledge to study sculpture at Saint Martins College. After writing about that, it may have just been sleeping with the common people as motivation. Regardless, there was a need to get to know these people. Being on the road studying under Danny Daniels further emphasized this.

You can vacation abroad all you want, but if you are just a tourist (and everyone hates a tourist) you are not going to relate to the people you are around. My wrestling career rarely left the state (I am sorry to downplay Davenport.), but getting away from suburbia to better yourself is essential. White suburbia hinders the need to learn. Let us make housing affordable to fix that.

From "my?" cat Skimble to common people has been quite a journey in this blog entry. The problem with this is that wanting my ex-girlfriend, whom I was in a relationship with for three more years than her prior engagement and romance, stands on her feet is not my problem. If she moves to a place that allows Skimble, she owes it to him to bring him back to her side.

It is one thing to abandon me. I can write about this bullshit because I have thumbs to hit the space bar when it comes to expressing my depression and anxiety. To run away from my fluffy doppelganger who can only express himself via "mrows" and "nya" (for the otakus) is something worse. Mandarin has at least 130 different syllables with at least four tones to pronounce each one of them. Cats only have four syllables if you include there mediocre roars and growls. They just lack the variety of vocabulary to successfully convey, "Whatever! Whatever! I do what I want!"

So what is my biggest dilemma right now? I guess it is deciding whether of not I want to add a toy WWE 24/7 Championship title to my collection. It would complete the titular rainbow, but those side plates are indeed lacking.

 Todd Alcott Graphics - Etsy

Friday, October 9, 2020

"Logan Lucky" and the Validity that the likes @realBenDavila, @proundgrandpa00 Wish They Had.

 *Blog post started on October 8, 2020.

A part of me thinks I should just be taking the time before this shift ends to catch up on "The Ringer". Outside of myself, I do not know if I really have anything to draw people into a blog. There are plenty of 90 to 120-second YouTube videos I could share in this blog, but I would rather a blog be about writing. That is despite the feedback that people are liking the videos.

It all seems to be based around the video for my review of Ron Perlman versus Vinnie Jones (and other British actors that producer Perlman wanted to act against) film "The Big Ugly". I looked at the number of views, and it seems that I have heard directly from everyone who has watched it. This means that at least my friends can tolerate me. When I compare it to the clicks that the blog post has been getting, perhaps my face is a turn off and they are either just skipping to the text or turning away immediately after the visit.

If the latter is the case, it may mean that all of Twitter's cowardly, conservative cocksuckers are right when they just resort to calling me ugly. Of course, these assholes do not have the nerve to post any media of themselves. Perhaps the following are just bots with the most juvenile insults:

  • @Deleno12 
  • @DvAnon2 
  • @RyuDarth 
  • @teenytinytrout 
  • @cfufreedom 
  • @thomasc07497394 
  • @grudziar 
  • @Maranatha4 
  • @middletheroad

I have yet to check what they think of my latest thread via @catbusruss and @maineventzombie.

Every #President has had a #pet except for #Trump, or so I thought. Does someone want to inform #barontrump his dad doesn't consider him human?

Explains how @DonaldJTrumpJr and @EricTrump turned out the way they did.

And the general consensus from these twats, "It is a fake account."

It leaves me thinking back to the quote from Mr. Winston Wolf in "Pulp Fiction":

Just because you are a character does not mean you have character.

I guess that kind of defines my state of mind. After a vacation day on Tuesday and spending too much money at Big Al's, a gentleman's club I have been going to for 19 years, a revelation that I have to step away from my past finally settled in. It makes me think that I should shut down my Facebook account, but that is half of my promotion.

I do not think I am trying to hold on to the past like most of Morton High School's Classes of 1998 and 1999 who are still living in the town, but when you do not have many friends, you go to familiar places. It is not like I cannot keep this game up of fornicating with dancers (It seems I still can.), but I am not living there anymore. There maybe fun to be had, but I cannot stick around to develop friendships. Anyhow, Peoria is in my past because it had long given up on me anyhow.

Now I am in Champaign/Urbana, and I have yet to really establish any strong relationships to grow around. Another stop on my trip this week was to visit Stacia Hardin's grave, my best friend whose life thrust adulthood upon me. It is in the middle of nowhere, South Pekin. I guess I have a lay of the land from my time transporting high school drop out and delinquent wrestlers from all sides of the town to Next Generation Wrestling shows. Regardless, no one should really know Pekin layout that well.

Stacia was the first person to have ever believed in me since I was considered an adult. Addiction defeated her but she made it a point to not let it hurt me. I cannot say that about the other addicts in my life. They definitely did not put faith in me despite me offering it to them. The self destructive friends believed in me, but those tendencies got the better of them. It seems they have gotten back on their feet (FYR!), but being from that portion of their past, they will not allow me to be part of their present despite I know how not to fuck up.

This leads us to my latest ex who I chose to end the romance with. It does not matter if she believes/believed in me because she has to get on her own feet. The problem with the relationship was I was trying to do that for her.

When I moved down here, the dating scene was great to start, and I settled into a relationship about a month in. Now, yes there is the pandemic, but it has all been just flirting on apps. I suppose some people like the boundaries it gives them. For me, it seems like no one wants to take risks or they just get off on people admiring them. Do I want to only be a concept?

Now those YouTube videos make me feel less real.

I guess I am just looking for someone to take a chance on me and have a little faith that I can amount to something. My pro-wrestling zom-com script "Main Event of the Dead" is still in development hell (If you have any advice or want a treatment of the script, send an email to, so blogging does not seem to work. Morons on Twitter think those who tell them they are assholes just claim the accuser is fake like the news. If only we could have a civil dialogue, at least we would need to be real. Outside my creative output, there does not seem to be a way for me to matter.

The only comfort is that the last two presidential cats had lived nearly 20 years. That mean I get eight more years of Eva...unless Socks survived because he got the best medical treatment at Walter Reed.

Fuck Medicaid. Socialized veterinary medicine is what we all need.

 Siobhan :) - Pinterest

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Imagine We Still Had VHS - Blue Seed (Episodes 1-3) - In the Shadow of Evangelion

*Blog post started on October 6, 2020.

It seems like there is light at the end of the tunnel in terms of my exhaustion. Lets just hope it is not depression. Eva the Cat has been a little too cozy with me at night even after nearly hugging her to death when I was stoned and New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle" came on. She shared the bed with me and Skimbleshanks yesterday, so either her or I is pretty down.

I went to bed before 10 pm last night. Was I tired after a bunch of errands went south, yes. Red Box sent an email me to me about a free movie promise while making it impossible to gain the promo code (You know enough about me.) which is very frustrating when you find a movie that would need to go on Auntie Anne's pepperoni pretzel nuggets were the only option that close to closing time, so it was not the fun Hot Topic order pick up mall trip. Never mind the awkwardness of flirting with a girl who wants me to meet them for the first time by coming into their workplace wore my brain out. It is probably best to wait till I need to replace a worn pair of Chuck Taylor's.

In the end, my previous night concluded with me not even finishing my D.P. Dough calzone, a first. Fortunately, I was able to watch some anime the previous night to have content ready to review. That at least took my mind off how do I ask for my poker winnings after embarrassing myself with C-word littered rants fueled by half a fifth of 100-proof moonshine. It was an impromptu game night after I had finished my shift at the retailer. All I had time to do was change, so visiting a liquor store for seltzers was out of the question. I just grabbed what I thought would not need a mixer.

At that party and from my ex who thinks I am going to ruin my life in Peoria tonight, I have found that my under two-minute movie reviews have drawn people to my blog. This means that I should go and make a quick video for this "Blue Seed" review. Guess I will need to swing by Japan House during a lunch hour for proper ambiance.

Yuzo Takada's Blue Seed

Check out the rest of this critique at - For those curious about anime but hate the geeks

 @AnimArchive - Twitter.

Friday, October 2, 2020

"Machete": Parent Just Don't Understand

Can Grindhouse really be an art form?

Like the velvet Elvis, that was obviously not the original intention. The B-movie and early indie films provided us with great directors and talents, but when it came to being over-the-top for over-the-top sake, if it was not Italian, it was messy. And to appreciate the mess, you had to be of a disenchanted age.

Many say that you cannot consider the Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's "Grindhouse" double feature to be true grindhouse, but the result is the same. Alienation of those who cannot stand the excess of violence and sex without dramatic goals. The only difference between these auteurs and the original grindhouse productions are that the creators appreciated the format regardless if it may or may not be art.

The most important question to this following review is, can Steven Seagal be involved with art?

Machete (2010)

Drug kingpin Torrez (Seagal) had taken everything from super federale Machete Cortez (Danny Trejo). He had taken Machete's badge and killed his friends, his wife and family. Left with nothing, Cortez heads to the Texas to find work as a day laborer. This is a risky relocation because it is during a heated election year where vigilantes have declared open war on illegal immigrants.

Tejanos need a hero, so the mysterious Booth (Jeff Fahey) hires Machete to eliminate Senator McLaughlin (Robert De Niro) to prevent an electrified fence from be built by immigrant labor. Machete accepts, but it turns out to be a double cross providing a face for the anti-immigration sentiment. It seems like a clever plan except for they chose the wrong Mexican to do that too.

"Machete" is strictly for those who ask why not literally rip the bad guy's head off. (Since I am trying to produce my B-movie script, "Main Event of the Dead", a movie about down on their luck indie wrestlers facing off against zombies, I am among this audience. Feel free to email for a treatment of the script). The feature's action is the most over the top to ever be considered mainstream (It was only topped by its sequel "Machete Kills (2013)". This is quite a feat since I have seen foreign zombie films that provide less gore.

Like the best zombie films, the violence cannot be taken too seriously. It is shocking, but as the film advances, even the faint of heart can get into it. (My mother was all about seeing the sequel.) This may leave those who want each scene to further escalate the mayhem disappointed by the climax, but this film is supposed to be the first in a trilogy, so it is only going to get messier.

If the sequels have scripts as clever as this film, audiences will be in for a treat. Being for or opposing amnesty, you have to appreciate the sinister twist of our villains. Robert Rodriguez is not necessarily a brilliant director ("Sin City" being his peak), but he is extremely clever. Mis en scene may not be his specialty (If it was, this would have been a NC-17), but he knows how to get his point and more importantly, his humor across.

The best thing about Rodriguez's sense of humor is that the best actors get it. Some may need the work, but to do something different offers audiences fresh and fun takes on legends like Seagal and De Niro. It is also comforting that actors like Linsey Lohan, Jessica Alba and Michelle Rodriguez's career still have life in them. Working with Rodriguez is like earning a badge of honor. It labels you as a talent which is important in an age where celebrity is paramount.

The only problem with the film is that while so many actors get cast, many get underutilized. Cheech Marin only has one role and Rodriguez's usual suspects in James Parks and Tom Savini do not get enough to do.

"Machete" is a film for the psychotic and those who truly have a sense of humor. It is a clever ultra-violent romp that offers something for everyone. Like immigration, it is something that the audience has to want to support. A clever approach to a political film, Rodriguez provides us with an extremely entertaining variant on "Billy Jack, " and with its success, there is hope that double features may return.

Machete Movie Posters - IMP Awards

FMK: "The Boys", "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou", and Conservative Subtext

*Blog post started on October 1, 2020.

I have caught up the number of blog posts with that of This should mean that coming up with content should be easier, but the crew at the bank is either caught up on or surpassed me in terms of being up on "The Boys", a show I was pitching to them. Is it sad that I am trying to keep up with the Joneses?

Needless to say, three hours of my night are occupied. The youngest of the bankers is willing to watch the new episodes the moment they are dropped. I do not know if I get this binge culture. It is not like it is "The Mandalorian". Come to think of it, that new season is suppose to drop on October 2. Disney+ does not drop the show at midnight, do they?

The main reason to binge tonight and the wee morning hours is the other male teller (The girls do not seem to get involved with the series unless it is to observe how Stormfront sounds like Mittens from Disney's "Bolt".) primarily watches it via his phone. It might just not be a series for the feminine or he is more invested in PlayStation games. If I am not caught up with it before I come into work tomorrow, there is a good chance I will be caught up second hand. Looking over another persons shoulder to see their phone is bad enough. I do not want to fee obligated to bullocks up social distancing.

As for my opinion of the series, it is obviously positive. But I think I expressed its importance in a tweet from @CatBusRuss:

Let me say: "The Boys" might be the most important satire/commentary of the bullshit conservative Twitter is encouraging to become reality. Hate the Jeff Bezos capitalistic hypocrisy, but as long as the wise get the series's message, it's a win.

Pinterest - Michael Stone

The sad thing about associating conservative sociopaths who should be on Parler instead of trying to piss off The Squad is that they probably would misread the message. Homelander is the Proud Boy everyone of those cunts want to be. I am usually a little more careful about dropping a C-Bomb, but we are talking about "The Boys". If I did not use it to describe these wankers like:

  • @tasmaniacal 
  • @SPolymathe 
  • @shpecat612 
  • @deanna4congress 
  • @schoolpaper1 
  • @lilbitfunny 
  • @venusabrussell 
  • @lindymac22 
  • @k7777164 
  • @brandonKwayne 
  • @4everbuffy 
  • @RedConstructora 
  • @MisouTD 
  • @DianePiette1 
  • @coffino_chris

who would probably get off on a deep fake of Donald Trump as Madelyn Stillwell in season two imitating breastfeeding for Homelander, I would being doing William Butcher a disservice. They are the type of assholes who do think "They Live" is about protecting our borders just because the burnt-fondue aliens could only be liberals manipulated by George Soros.

To prove their dimwitted nature. I googled "movies conservatives love." "The Dark Knight Trilogy" and "The Incredibles" showed up, so they are definitely missing the mark. Mother Jones's "One Right-Winger’s Terrible List of “Top 10 Conservative Movies” supports my argument that the right does not get subtext. When I think back to my initial Google search, they probably think "Juno" is a feminist icon or a super heroine for going through with the pregnancy.

Asawin Suebsaeng's article was from 2012, but if "Juno" showed up eight years later, conservatives must not have kept up with Ellen Page's agenda. Perhaps "The Incredibles 2" is not on the list because it is about the husband becoming a homemaker.

This leaves me wondering why anyone can develop an attitude to give up on art because you disagree with the creator. My mom will not watch Bette Midler movies or Quentin Tarantino films because they oppose the idiocy and intolerance of the right. She is quick to follow Bill O'Reilly's commands, and they call the liberals the sheep (They fucking worship a shepherd.).

All it takes is some clever thinking, and their works can be bastardized by Tucker Carlson. The only one that does not immediately work is "Inglourious Basterds", but if you think of Col. Hans Landa being a ruthless capitalist who took credit for ending the second World War while being an antisemite, is that much different than Donald Trump taking the credit he undeservingly has?

In the end, placing one of those cocksucker's (I am still in a Butcher mood.) Twitter handles [The original title was "The Boys, The Bitches (like @Deleno12), and The Bill Murray".] might be a mistake. I may be exposing them to new strategy to claim all media as their own. Then again, if they win in November, I cannot wait until the compassion-less hicks who want to take us back to 1860 work out a way to justify "Cuties" as a show about the child bride ideal.