
Friday, September 18, 2020

First World Problems (like @luvebug232) and "The Big Ugly"

*Blog post started on September 18, 2020.

It feels like a pretty prolific week in terms of blogging. My release schedule is filled up to October 1. I think trying to finish the "Chris Memoirs" journal may be hurting my intros to the blogs, but that only looks bad if your scrolling through the past blogs.

This may mean I should just use my hosting space to actually develop a web page to avoid opening a bunch of browser tabs, but I do not know if Windows XP era Adobe design software will work on Windows 10. I was lucky that they stuck around through Windows 7. Squarespace is not an option since I already have hosting space.

How to promote entertainment blogs efficiently. First world problems are all I have had the past couple of days. And they are:
  • @wheelchairbrad
  • @kennyguido
  • @muralstar
  • @gboxxer
  • @mallen2010
  • @Kyle62The
  • @sheenkirk
  • @Tyler84703038
  • @jo33291557
  • @marcalbert1973
  • @WoodyBrum
  • @ZenonCHerrera
  • @PedactorR
  • @Sabian187
  • @HeilmanJoseph
  • @DanielT17488652
  • @KaraPalmer94
  • @Gail_C_G
  • @politiwars
This makes me wish that the compose mode in Blogger would allow for tables to be set up. I would like to throw another 40 names into the space above. Yes, HTML is really the only code I know, but that is a lot of formatting.

I guess you could lump in the vocal member of classes 1996 to 1999 from Morton High School with these conservative trolls on Twitter. The cunts from Morton are probably to insecure to become one of the sociopathic Twitter twats. They realize that you got to work to earn those fake friends. It is so much easier for them to just type in your high school some barely graduated from (in the case of the wrestling teammate who was proud of his racism which god will forgive because he is opposed to abortion) or those that need to be friendly enough with to sell cars to (in the case of the racist homophobe with an inferiority complex who blames the victims when it comes police brutality).

I might be the problem for sitting on two Twitter handles (@russthebus and @catbusruss) a long side this blog's (@maineventzombie). You get a lot of people showing how judgmental they are towards bartenders, how paranoid of religious inspired law (that is not Evangelical in nature), and who want immigrants to stay out of politics and stick to fucking their brothers. How much hate am I suppose to leave unanswered?

And some people just want you to be realistic. I had shared a meme that touted how Barack Obama had given us affordable healthcare, constant improvement in the job market, and saved us from the great recession. A person responded with the rise in immigrant detentions, drone strikes, and inequality growth that happened during his presidency. My response was to tell them why that happened and how he brilliantly responded (DACA, troop reduction, and healthcare costing him chances to fix the problem that the rich are). In addition, since Trump had made all of points worse, why do you want us not to think of better times?

I can ignore high school sucking hard. I had wrestling and was team captain on top of that. "Glory Days".

The argument ended with, "I do not deny your points, but it was not all butterflies and rainbows." I did not respond since the argument had just been regurgitated. We need to teach people how to debate in high school. At least then, when someone decides to try and defend Nazis in a diverse crowd, they will receive the appropriate response.

And that might be why the right is afraid of minorities successfully moving into suburbia. If white kids are only arguing in front of fellow white kids, they cannot feel bad about accepting their racism as part of life that the rest of the country needs to deal with.

My summation for this nation, you got your white burbs, so quit bitching about common core.



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