
Monday, May 18, 2020

Infrequent Online Daters and Right-Wing Twitter Haters (like @cb27words).

*Blog started on May 14, 2020.

Lockdown seems to have finally stagnated, and I do not think that is too bad. Yes, I am working an essential job (It is essential enough that having a third banker present would be nice. Old people calling in expecting full percentage points on investments at community banks or asking about their balances on a daily sometimes hourly basis can make taking care of the two drive thru lanes tough at times. At least 85% are decent enough folks.), so I have some sort of routine.

My ex is trying to develop a routine and get her future in order, so me time has become a thing again. It is worth being constantly questioned about why I am not depressed about moving out. Her cat is not going to be around, so I am just trying to focus on the positive. I am going to miss my little brother.

May 15, 2020:

One of my coworkers is trying to finish up a final history paper and there have been a few moments where we have acted like her research team. What I have gathered can be used to promote communism when she asked us to try and find out the literacy rate of Shanghai, China in 1920. No communist party, no concern for the lower classes, hence not even Google could not come up with that answer. At least there were those looking for a solution. Determining whether or not she should refer to the citizens of the U.S.S.R as Soviets or Russians did not require that much effort.

As she is writing, she said she might just go back and change the thesis, so her fellow student asked her if she liked to start writing and then determine the thesis as the message is being flushed out. It made me realize that is pretty much how I write without a movie review to post about. Which lead me to determine that I am not going to have one for May 18th and that I better keep the mood light instead of composing 40 miles of bad road to get to questionable 80's horror. Sad, because after my anti-right rant, I could have gone with "@adampiersen's Twitter Galaxy of Terror" as a title.

When it comes to headaches, the mildest is this new-fangled online dating game. My mom tells me my biological little brother found someone on I responded by asking, "which one of them is paying for it?" We are in lockdown. Dating is not really feasible at this time. But with SnapChat and everyone wanting to communicate via that now, it is just difficult to measure out if you are doing too little or too much.

I am one who does not need constant communication with people (Which my ex fears she is losing a friend after we move away from each other. I am not abandoning my fluffy little brother.), but once I get a streak going, I am at a lost when they break it. At the retailer, at the bars, what I have observed is the millennials are obsessed about keeping them going. This does excuse the one I am focused on most since she is a fellow member of Gen-X, but she was the one showing off the goods. On the bright side, I have more and more pics of myself to post on my Twitter feed(s) (@russthebus, @maineventzombie, @catbusruss [to squat on the handle and use to retweet notifications from my main account {The on meant to promote the production of my B-movie "Main Event of the Dead" a pro-wrestling zombie comedy. Email for a story treatment or suggestions on how to get the project out of development hell.} because it seems early too have 10,000 tweets] to assure the hateful that I am more real and more brave than they are.

The true migraine is taking the fight to conservative Twitter trolls. That can take its toll. Right wingers who are failed wordsmiths make it tough to know when to just step away from the "dialogue". A constant tactic when I call out assholes who use their feed to applaud Donald Trump for picking on Asians is to throw up a race card meme when I asked how it is not racist to track AOC and Ilhan Omar just to tell them to shut up while ignoring Elizabeth Warren's tweets. I questioned, "Is it a win that at least they are not being sexist?", you eventually get a sand in the mangina comment.

They seem like they are out to disprove any acknowledgement that they may not be so bad. Or they are correcting me and want me to know that they hate anyone who is not male that refuses to be submissive. Are they are demonstrating their dedications to the Constitution circa 1789 when sexism and racism were not even considered?

And then they say that its the left that spread the hate. You provide them an opportunity to be compassionate, and its fuck those people. At least that was when I responded to @laddielone's meme by juxtaposing their (I do not want to assume the pronouns) profession (high school athletics coach) with the anonymity Twitter provides them.

Surely their views cannot be offensive and that a patriot like themselves feel like they need not earn recognition as they have no media to prove they are even real. It cannot possibly be because they are an objectively hateful or envious individual whom, if they chose to post a pic of themselves instead of bitching about politics, would risk losing their livelihood of mentoring children. I could go on about how I could find their employer after sifting five months of bullshit, but that just feels petty.

If you are curious, these anonymous Twitter users make up at least 80% of the commenters. These lazy shits will not take the time to post a generic white person clip art of "themselves" at least once on their account to try and camouflage their foul scent. Or is that how Twitter determines who the bots are?

I do not know about you, but I would take dealing with 10 bots on Twitter than giving a single true hate mongers a platform. At least with a bot, you know it cannot feel empathy. Providing homes for sociopaths should not be Twitter's concern. That is the responsibility of the Republican party be it Senate or House seats via voter restrictions of subsidies to farmers to keep them alienated from the urban dwellers. And with the agriculture industry being predominantly white, they set politics and fashion that the trailer park residents will emulate.

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