
Monday, November 25, 2019

The End of NXT Viewership: Rebooking Survivor Series 2019.

WWE has wisely removed the replay of NXT Takeover from being on the Hulu feed. I say wisely because, before AEW, that was how I watched those shows. Why would I fund a company that many feel is responsible for three deaths due to their lack of concussion care and will gladly take blood money from Saudi Arabia if I could watch their best shows for free (well, at least $2 cheaper alongside "The Handsmaid's Tale"?

For someone who finds New York to be where quality goes to die, watching a Takeover on a Sunday was awesome. If WWE was going to counter program against themselves, what kind of contrarian would I be if I did not ignore Vince McMahon trying to fuel Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns's egos?

As Wrestletalk stated in their review for NXT Takeover Wargames 3, the refreshing thing about a NXT's Women's first (like the Wargames's match this year) is that it just feels like what women's wrestling should be, just wrestling. So, watching Takeover instead of Summer Slam means I did not have to deal with the bullshit that is the Women's Evolution of Stephanie McMahons.

NXT offered a lot for those fed up with the tired vision of Vince McMahon. It is a pity that fans like me should not have time for it.

How much wrestling do you expect me to watch in one night? When you have competition, and a side in the competition, I am not going to change the channel during a commercial break. If you work a relatively uneventful job like me, you need stuff to read. After reading DC Black's "Harleen: Number 1", and considering how the ultimate fictional empath can become a murderous malcontent, you best believe the NXT spoilers may best for someone with codependency issues.

When you look at my other wrestling viewership, there is no time for replays anyhow. "NWA Powerrr" results are deemed not as newsworthy as those of the competitors, so I am free to watch (or binge) it at my own leisure (typically on Monday between 7 pm CST and 9 pm CST). Tuesdays are when the extra hour NXT lacks comes on YouTube. Do I need to mention these are free (sorry Impact, ROH, WOW and World of Sport on Statium)?

And I have the entire NJPW library at my finger tips, and I got plenty of catching up to do there. I am only going to devote 999 a month to one service. HBO Max getting AEW would be ideal.

Is there a way for NXT to win me back? Yes. Right now, it is all about match ups. Sorry Hunter, I get around to indie shows, so I have seen Dominik Dijakovic and Keith Lee in its purest form in person. Give me Chris Hero over Kassius Ohno any day. That reminds me of more thinks in my DVD collection that I need to get caught up on. As long as I am with a girl who still cannot keep the members of The Elite straight, I have enough classic NXT material to last a lifetime.

AEW is currently the fresher product and they still have lacked bouts I would skip. Once we get there...if we get there...I may start watching Xfinity 939 on Wednesday. WWE's only other way to get my attention is to give the minority owner of Hulu a break and put the Takeovers back on the service or for them to sign away AEW talent. At least we would have a war. On the subject of warfare.

See the conclusion to this blog series at Rip 'Em System Tumblr.

Friday, November 22, 2019

RG Veda - Did the Graphic Novels Have Exposition?

As is the norm, everything has settled down in my life. It has settled to the point that I got to have what use to be my normal evening. Wait till girlfriend goes to bed and watch stuff she does not approve of. I was even able to get a few rum drinks in (Kraken Black Roast Coffee Rum is sippable to the point that it is a shame to dilute to make it last).

Best of all, I was able to get to bed before midnight. Worst of all, it is balanced by 19 consecutive days of work. Managers are just boomers when it comes to internal email.

The more pressing downside is that it was a reminder of how little the two of us actually have in common. Her debate of whether or not she should go to bed in the nine o'clock hour came as I was watching "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" because there is nothing to watch on a Thursday.

The best time on the basketball floor are when the mats are down door to door. That sums up my opinion of Thursday's cable TV offerings.

She also does not dig immediate action sequences. Thus, we did not get past "John Wick: Chapter 2's" car reclamation. And this seems to be the case with anime as well because she was very quick to tell me to grab the Netflix DVD after a few minutes of "RG Veda."

Another key difference between us is her embrace of religion. Hence, it takes a little more work to try selling her a feminism agenda via the history of the Clamp Studio than my other female friends. This turned out to be a poor assessment of her judgement. It has nothing to do with having an open mind and everything to do with intuition.

RG Veda

Ashura - RG Veda -

Tenchi the Movie 2: The First Take on Midsommar

Tenchi the Movie 2: Daughter of Darkness
© 1998 AIC • Tenchi Muyo Committee • Pioneer LDC, Inc.

Mayuka and Yuzuha, 43K (scanned from the dubbed VHS Box)

Genre: comedy/sci-fi fantasy
Length: 60 minutes (Theatrical Film)
Audience Age: 16+
Opinion: It is a let down unless  you are looking for a Christmas themed Japanese-animated cartoon.
This is a review of the dubbed VHS version (close captioned).
Also known as Tenchi Muyo! Midsummer's Eve.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Schrodinger's Cat and The Pawshank Redemption

*** I have using the neither dead/live cat as a metaphor since 2014. There will be few mentions of actual cats in this blog. ***

I imagine with the holiday season, things will pick up at the current, non-retail job. If it has not been obvious, providing details about the current use of my customer service expertise is something that has been avoided in this blog. But, the type of business that is about to take place may shock me. By no means am I supporting lay away, but it has got to be better than anything involving interest rates that are not from Visa, Amex, Mastercard or Discovery.

Which Freudian concept am I to curse? Do not comment to correct me. I now know the concepts all revolve around the psychic apparatus that forms the psyche. And yes, thanks Wikipedia.

It is obvious that it is the id since the downturn in my emotional state started with a dream(s) about my wrestling career (or lack there of). The reason I questioned it was just to make sure that I got it right.

My girlfriend was telling me that the meanings of dreams are whatever you make them to be. And then she said she could direct me to resources that would help me interpret them for me. There must be issues with my super-ego and ego because I do not know how those two statements can coincide with each other. Sadly, this may sum up my relationship status.

Of course, Christmas gifts have been bought and I believe she has earned them, but my yearning to chase paths she cannot follow will probably make for a tough festive season. Wanting to laze about until I have to go and deal with late night Thanksgivings sales followed up by an opening shift at the day job instead of attending an extended family meal may exasperate things. If not tough merry months than the purely winter ones.

This is simply where my head is at now. I am hoping that is it. On the flipside, I am seeming to want to hold on to something that cannot be improved upon. It is like I am already solely responsible for it being stale. The things that have been said, especially the blatantly hurtful things that some feel valid reasoning behind, seem to be red flags catching a strong breeze.

If this does not work out, is it going to be 2007 all over again? Will I only have my dreams to chase? It sucks when the other party is well liked. They did not believe in my aspirations then, do I want to add another motive for them to discourage me now?

Can I even chase that brass ring with nothing else going on in my life? Wrestling fell apart because it was all that I had after the rest of my life was left in utter shambles. It was the only thing good in my life, and it was not working out like I needed it to. Without any positive relationships to pick me up, everything was pointless.

I am damn near 13 years older than I was then. It makes me wonder what I have done with my life if I am presented with the same scenario. That is one long-ass episode of "Russian Doll." Maybe I am just too attentive and have missed all my chances to die to restart the story back at meeting Stacia's biggest dependent's dealer.

It is either death or a trip back to the partial hospitalization program. Neither of those seem like good places to be. The one thing I would get the most shit for from my better quarter (the cat will always get half) is dying (the one thing she says I cannot do). As for PHP, cope does not help those without hope.

There should be a third option. Get busy living. Sadly, I do not have an Andy Dufresne to leave me a lunchbox with cash. Fuck, that tree is not even standing any more. The irony of having the last name Stevens.

Or I should just take any thing I can get a hold of and risk crossing the border to Zihuatanejo. The Pacific has no memory...then what was the point of all this blogging?

Techi Muyo! In Love - Before Streaming Services Made Sequels

Achika (37K...Scanned from the VHS Box)Techi Muyo! In Love - Tenchi the Motion Picture

Genre: comedy/sci-fi fantasy Length: 95 minutes (Theatrical Film) 
Audience Age: 13+
Opinion: A great video to view and to introduce those who are unfamiliar with the series.

This is a review of the dubbed VHS version (close captioned).

© 1996 AIC • Tenchi Muyo Committee • Pioneer Entertainment (USA) L.P.

Marriage and Wrestling: To Be Undesirable Enough to Beg. To Be Undeniable Enough to Suggest.

We may have gotten to the point at the new job that I do not know what to do with myself. Neither of the GeoCities Archives saved my "Sailor Moon", "Iria: Zeiram the Animation", and "Burn-Up W" (I swear there was another badass chick cartoon in there), so there are no more lost anime blogs to republish. It is a pity. If @aewrestling actually investigated any of the blog posts I tag them in, perhaps I should do more work to find my anime website "Y2A".

AEW anxiety has been bubbling up. It happens whenever there is wrestling that I can actually attend. I got through the training. I realized it could work out the way I needed it to. But it all happened at the worst time for me. I did not have the support aside from Danny Daniels, so I could not do it at that time. There were no other supporters (family or friends) when I could get in a good place, no opportunities to get back.

For the past couple of weeks, since my last post in other words (a month [2 weeks since I am publishing them faster to get it all out by December 4] by the time this comes out), I noticed that I have not been feeling like myself. My girlfriend might leap out and say, "I told you so" and say the job is changing me, "because you do change with new jobs." The environment has changed, but I have not is how I approach it. That does not comfort her. No matter what is actually happening, it was probably a poor time to fulfill a wedding obligation. If I was not already anxious enough.

There will definitely be different perspectives on my performance. I think only her brother appreciated me successfully applying the Jedi Mind trick on her sister's daughter. Parents just do not like having the control of their nurturing tactics (or lack there of) taken from them. That was dinner with her family in Columbus, Ohio on the way to the Greater D.C. area. As for how I performed at the wedding events, the only real feedback I got was from the better quarter (my cat will always get half).

At the rehearsal, she seemed to appreciate my thoughts on how to ensure her niece would succeed as a flower girl whether the little one liked it or not. The concept was sedating her (she had the flu anyhow) and using a pulley system to let her glide down the aisle. A four year-old in good shape cannot weigh more than 30 pounds. Surely the cross above the altar that is carrying a Jesus statue weighing the same amount could handle her weight.

That was a catholic wedding in practice. A catholic wedding at game time, not so quick to joke. At least that is when it comes to the parishioners. The priest, a different story.

"I know some of you attending are not Catholics. That is okay. Nobody is perfect."

God how I wanted to let, "this guy needs to get laid," slide out of my mouth towards my significant other, but I knew it would fly over like a lead balloon. She did not think it very funny when I waited till we left the confines of the church. Is the parking lot too soon?

The discussion returned to the sin and trust issues of us not being married. Not as thorough as they were an hour west of Buckeye Nation, but it was tough to perk her up. At least in Ohio we found the Book Loft of German Village. She wanted to go thrift shopping between the end of the wedding and the reception's beginning. Nothing was to be found except "Kitten in a Blender" and pressure at Dream Wizards. The pressure will come from her needing to be instantly be good at the "Game of Thrones" card and dice game.

She thought I would never be accepted by her family for not being in the process of making her an honest woman. Living in lust is what it looks like was her stance. It seems like she may not have paid attention to the stories that allowed me to tolerate Peoria. At best, lust was the first three weeks of this deal. When she dragged me from a concert before The Queers hits the stage in support of The Dwarves, it better have been love since then. If that is not commitment and patience, what is?

I guess as long as I am not comfortable enough to move things into a legally binding state, my sacrifices are for not. Refusing to overcome my anxiety about faking it on the dance floor was not going to help. But what was I expected to do? A shitty deejay and no hard alcohol or non-boxed wine options, it is impossible for me to want to get involved.

It is 2019. You could have at least had White Claw. Also, do I really want to get closer to a family that only has receptions (that I could attend) in tents or barns?

My girlfriend is not happy that I told her I did not take the new job for her. Essentially, I still want to runaway with the circus. That does not seem like and option in any case. All I have creatively is my blog and screenplay for "Main Event of the Dead", a zombie-comedy B-movie involving pro-wrestling (for a treatment of the story, email As for wrestling, I have gotten nothing to show since 2007 (video, hence why Iron Spirit Pro in Bloomington would not offer me a tryout match as a referee). Even if I am ready to go (like 7-11, I may not be working but I am open), I would be expecting people to take a chance on me.

I suppose this is why AEW does not have an employment link on their website.

Three people have taken a chance on me. One is dead, one is estranged, and one got $2,500 and labor from me. Is it as simple as just offering a retainer? I did offer that up to my girlfriend. Instead of a big wedding, why not have her family fund my movie? Does this tell me where I am at in life?

Ifurita (El Hazard)
Image from the CG Shrines

Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure: an Evangelion and El-Hazard Smoothie

o not immediately dismiss a film because it does not contain the excessive nudity of "Ghost in the Shell" or the graphic violence of "Akira". If you have heard good things about a title like the buzz there is for "Neon Genesis Evangelion", the title is not a waste of money.

Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure:

Image of the US logo from DVD liner notesDual Parallel Trouble Adventure!
© 1999 AIC / Pioneer
Distributed by 

Genre: sci-fi (includes a great deal of "Tenchi Muyo!" style comedy)
Length: 100 minutes (4 episodes) Audience Age: 13+

Opinion: One of the better cutting edge titles.

This is a review of the DVD release.

From the creator of Tenchi Muyo!

It maybe that I have not had the same amount of cash to spend on overpriced videos. It maybe that the previews on the videos I do buy are not enticing enough. It maybe that I am spending my cash on the recent ECW, FMW, and XPW videos (this is not a wrestling web site, but look for the first company's tapes first). Maybe it is all these reasons, but I am having a problem finding Japanese animated videos to buy. 

Since I got a DVD player for Christmas, I figured it was time to seriously restart my anime collection, but where to start? While flipping through the discs at SunCoast, I found "Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure". If you have seen Neon Genesis Evangelion, you should instantly become a giant robot fan, and Dual! has them. The disc also had a sticker on its wrapping which boast that it was "From the creators of Tenchi Muyo!" (specifically, writer Masaki Kajishima), and I am a big Tenchi fan. So far this anime was irresistible from this buyer's standpoint.