
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 16: Peoria Approved Ninja Turtle)

Main Event of the Dead: Peorian Approved???

Over the past couple days, I finally received some local feedback for my "@midnight: Hash Tag Wars" efforts. Some of this feedback coming from one of the initial (if not current) promoters of Sky Pro Wrestling. I doubt the other parties involved in the operations of that promotion will acknowledge that my creative abilities should trump personal feelings to open the door for involvement with their product, but it's good to know that there may be some interest by those the film's production was originally designed for.

"Main Event of the Dead" maybe the ideal project for the Peoria wrestling scene. In the vain of the original ECW, it emphasizes showcasing the wrestlers strengths, and hiding their weaknesses. Actually, we aren't hiding the weaknesses, just covering it up with Karos Syrup and comedy.

As long as my script is funny enough and their spots are cool enough, inability to act can't bring this project down.

I still need to tweak the original script, but I do have a treatment that showcases the evolution of the project that I would be happy to share if requested (email

Once I (we) get the ball rolling on the project, I'll be more than open to tweaking the suggestions of those involved. Not to say that it needs much though since if I can get my tweets favorited by strangers. If I can make 80 people to laugh with stuff like:

  • Pre-Med Who #BadPrequels
  • Cat's Rule Everything Around Me #RuinARapTrack
  • Show and Tell You Boss's Embezzlement Activity #LameOfficeHolidays
  • Meet George Jetson and His Boy L. Ron Hubbard #RuinACartoon
  • And a Splash of Water Wednesday #AlcoHolidays
  • Kim-Jong Illinois State #FailedColleges

Surely I can deliver a laugh of minute. Almost double that since the script is just under 50 pages.

Still, I need help promoting the film. So if you have some suggestions before we Kickstart it, let me know.

Right now my ideas are (that I can pay for):

  • Drawn Movie Poster with zombie wrestlers and stereotypical international gimmicks.
  • Have a famous wrestler read press release.
  • Have a hot chick read press release.
All those options are better than just plugging in #MainEventoftheDead during the "Wars" on @midnight.

I'm not looking for money right now, just support I can count on you to know that after I get the money, we can make the movie. I'll be upfront, if my project gets to the Kickstarter stage but no one is there to help make it, I am sitting on the cash until it can be shot.

If you can wait on Ryan Reynold's "Deadpool," you can wait on "Main Event of the Dead." Why would you want to do either (burn Van Wilder, burn)?

May 31, 2014

Busy season at the hotel, that was my immediate blame for not writing a complete blog this week. Curse my honesty, and my inability to wake up before 2 pm on Saturday.

At least give me a "D" for effort, I shut off the video games at 3:15 am. Or have I just got tired of "Minecraft?" Better not open up any of the $400 of stuff I've yet to play. Thank the seven I have not gotten into the current generations. Or am I just being cursed for buying the Wii U?

Alright, the "D" effort is for just making it to work on time. I just didn't have the time to make myself lunch.

And of course I'm cursed for that. No lunch, means I had to order from 225. It actually means I had to middle class starve since I was driving quite a bit and and couldn't appreciate the meal. At least the over tippers made it it is soon to be spent on fast food once I leave work.

I can't win. The back and forth of the previous paragraphs is evidence of that. Every negative had a positive, and an inevitable negative. If we assume the pattern maintains its consistency, a positive would follow. So, if I'm not a loser, I'm Pi.

Curse my diabetes, I can't have much pie. Never had much of a taste for the traditional dish (I'd just assume have a can of the filling), but I have to even sustain from the pseudo-Italian classic, pizza.

This shirt at fit my mentality, especially after I saw the shipping cost.
Rationalization 50: You Can(not) Be a Ninja Turtle.

Tell a kid that, and see the heartbreak. Sums me up doesn't it. And Michael Bay will fuck the ideal up further.

June 7, 2014

Here's hoping some rationalization comes to me, or why did I return to this blog. Fulfillment is the "F" I'd like to feel. Failing to not make anything of this blog reminds me that I'm defined by a four-letter F-word.

Aside from the weekly plea to help make my movie, there is not really anything I can do to improve my situation. All I'm left with is trying to be comfortable with my situation not getting worse. Still, I don't like there not being anything to address.

Rationalization 51: Some Final Exits Do Not Apply.

Well, I have a plan B, but as we determined that I'm 3.14..., success and failure is determined by whether or not I die on a high note. So, check off using an E-string to hang myself with, at least at this point. My angst dictates that I can't leave the douche bags with a laugh.

I'm missing out a lot on current events. It's either I'm too self absorbed, or I am suffering from absolute attention deficit disorder. This means I have an inability to pay attention, which sucks. At least typical ADD would let me better relate with our feline friends. There is just something so cute about being distracted by shiny objects.

If I had actual ADD, that doesn't sound like a bad way to die. If your too busy being in awe of that red dot on your chest, you won't know your dead until the bullet exits the back.

I could go on to an anti-gun rant and tell of my 11 a.m. wake up call that further inspired my interest in the topic, but I've filled the page.

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