
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Student vs Influencer vs Haikus - Regret about Wregrets

Deviant Art
I was able to make the most of a 13-hour work day. Or on Saturday, I just did not have much to say. Having hotel guests who seemed wise enough not to spread their seed over 20 years helped. An athletic event with only one demographic of participants, you cannot beat that in hospitality. Here's to the NCAA Men's Gymnastics Championship, undoubtedly the biggest draw in the whole of Central Illinois when it comes to men wearing tights. Good thing the Shield finale was on Sunday.

The best thing about it, from a writer's perspective, I got a blog out that let me actually express what was on my mind and now I have the time to go and take on an analytical topic that will take up a lot of page space. Sadly, because of the need to go to to access their network, I cannot take on what I really want to analyze, the WWE Hall of Fame Legacy Wing, because the firewall deemed the site to be a streaming service.

So,, do not get to ambitious and stay a t-shirt company. How will I take advantage of your sales that fall on slow weekends?

Truthfully, the problem with slow weekends is my difficulty to come up with a great introduction. I already expressed all of my thoughts the previous day. Getting to the point just lacks a personal touch. Again, there may not be much personality to get personable if I cannot make it last two days.

I guess I cannot be an Influencer like "Wrestling With Wregret's" Brian Zane.

I was not going to analyze how he became a Youtube star and just address his group of millenials' rankings of WWE Hall of Fame members. But, a suggestion of a theoretical was typed, and I can be long winded. With a glance to the top sentence of that paragraph, I realized a theory to his success was being broken down. A lesson was being made of it, but I was far from the topic I wanted to rise above and now it going to be the topic below.

Brian Zane's success is probably as simple as that he is a nerd about wrestling who would not shut up about it. And that is perhaps the only thing that make him interesting. That statement is not an insult. In adulthood, do you actually make friends or just talk shop with similar geeks? My time making the towns weekly lasted five years, so I have seen plenty of dweebs on the wrestling scene who are unbearable when it comes to their fandom.

You may end up with guys who want to be your friend solely for a single observation they made. When they try to interact with you, it is solely about that observation.

Thanks for noticing I use the sharpshooter and thanks for the Bret Hart Big Gold Belt title plate, but do I need to give you five minutes to converse about the other interest you just assume I must share? Yeah, I have tattoos, but none of them are "Green Lantern" related. "Fuck Ryan Reynolds!" was my go to when it came to that movie at that time, but I cannot give you that because it means you have actual grounds to engage.

My fault was that I do not want to trouble anyone. There is a bit of an inferiority complex. I am not worthy when I know a guy has a name. And that resulted me missing a bunch of handshakes. And in turn, lots of missed chances to pick brains. Guess that means I am stuck being a survivor because I would make a shitty zombie.

It seemed every wrestler in Peoria thought they all had the skill set to not go and be trained by a reputable talent. Reputable talents were guys who you saw on TV in some manner or were at least a name from somewhere else that you heard of, a guy with buzz. I was "The Student of the Game" and I lived the gimmick, so I wanted to be trained that way. And this way allowed me to make a best friend who had to let me know what's what.

I can be bitter that the Peoria's wrestling scene never gave a guy who actually put the time in to be a good wrestler a chance, but they may have known how to mark out right. Kiss a little ass, let the rare veterans they would pay to put them over control the conversation, and you come out more knowledgeable. Why drive through Iowan snow when you could just do that?

If I had my head on straight when I spent the second half of my time killing my Chevy Cavalier, I know there would have been a spot for me in the business. My athleticism was good, but I was never too coordinated. But, if I could see a chance to be creative, I usually nailed it.

Master of alliteration disqualifies me from being a jack of all trades, but if you need gimmick names, I am your Stan Lee. If you need a quick history lesson to come up with angles to pull from, tap me on the shoulder. As long as it is not about me getting over, I am a savant. An idiotic one that is.

The reason I brought up my flaking out is because I lost touch with people who appreciated my opinion. Thus, your new opinions and ideas have no place to go. Zane only needed to amuse his friends in the business to get the buzz going.

I do not know the guy, but at least thinking about his Youtube channel making wrestling history accessible to the masses that need to hear the "Tosh.0" warning message instead of reading it at least gives me the knowledge to help others. Sadly, knowledge I cannot use is worse than useless information.
But I am the guy
Scraping a living serving
Unappreciative heads
Byrneless talking heads
They tell me the door has shut
God opens window 
This creative should jump
Haiku version of Raven
Is all I have left 

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