
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Destroy Capitalism! Destroy the Consumer!

I probably need to be making zombie jokes or having hotter movie takes to make better use of the @maineventzombie. Retweeting left-wing accounts and complaining about my experiences in retail does not really scream, "guy with a pro-wrestling zom-com script that probably can be produced for under $25,000. I will be happy to send those interested with the concept a treatment of "Main Event of the Dead." Just send your request to

Then again "Main Event of the Dead" is "suppose to be"/"better be" gory, so perhaps I just need to come up with gorier demises to consumers. Stuff that tops:

Would not mind every retail parking lot to have one landmine before the door to a store. Do you really need those back-to-school deals?  
I may not be getting the horror auteur attention, but I am at least coming with some great ideas. And since satire and movie reviews are what I know I am good at, lets roll with it.

Mined parking lots would actually end up with a George Romero like situation. Come Black Friday, people will probably take their chances. After the mine goes off, those who were not willing to try their luck would immediately rush to that retailer. Too much traffic, and the crowd would turn on itself, and there would be fewer consumers.

So lets make sure the Center for Disease Control is always properly funded or we make Max Brooks required reading in the K-12 education systems. As long as we stay free of movie-infections, there shan't be z-word apocalypses. It does make me wish that every flyover state was its own island. They are the ones that would probably oppose my suggested measures. Let them suffer the fates.

The only problem with wishing violent fates on those wanting to save a few bucks is that I work for these people. If my depression did not leave me feeling like a big enough waste, I would be a waste without a particular set of skills. But if automation is going to destroy industry, why should the commercial sector be spared?

We cannot just leave well-meaning human beings to starve, so a living wage/allowance will need to be established at some point. If everyone can relate to each other, society will be quicker to take care of itself. Any endeavor would be one to make things better for everyone.

Why not have a chuckle or two as we develop a way to put away our capitalist ways. We need to get away from wanting stuff as it is. Consequences for High Dynamic Range might just be what we need.

Retailers should be allowed to execute one rude customer a day. Are you going to lose your temper if the store had not checked off their kill board? The only real problem is that the store has to time it well. You just cannot going killing off the first smeghead who curses at you. Then everybody will flock to your location to work out their anger issues.

Maybe we can have that bowel of 10,000 Skittles by the door. Are you willing to shop knowing that there is a poison one in their? No taste for sugar, no taste for discounts.

Oh the things I can dream up of involving electricity and direction signs.

I am certain making consumerism deadly can work when it comes to stock trade. Businesses that want to make a public offering should need to make an actual offering to the gods. Lord of Light protect us.

In the end, it will turn out like the last season of "Game of Thrones", we gotta all bond together and treat each other with respect. Otherwise, it is going to end up being messy with the 1% being the king of the ashes. Ashes cannot be abused, so they will end up destroying themselves to make up for it.

If it has to be a little messy now to get us to listen to AOC, so be it.

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