
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

2/18/12: Pit bulls are dog Nazis, not a Facebook mascot.

I've probably sat on the inspiration for too long. As I let the idea roll around in my head for the past couple hours, the wackiness has smoothed out. It had some real wild tangents and covered racial tensions and the morons who think it is okay to own pit bulls.

Okay, let me comment on the pits. It is not the owners or the abusers of these killers. Yes, killers. Fuzzy murder machines is what their genealogy designed them to be. Dare I say they are the Lady Gagas of the canine family because they were born that way. Plus, it is not much of a stretch to see Gaga exploit midgets like pit bulls have.

Thus, I guess dobermans are the barking Madonna's. The latest Super Bowl experiment was hot and dangerous 20 years ago while you have to have a wide acceptance of what beauty to consider whom the queers have overly embraced as sexy.

On the gay comment, hate to sound too conservative, but there comes a point where you can love rainbows and unicorns too much. It is like going to a football game and having to sit by the fat fuck in full body make up. You just hope the guy doesn't start rubbing all over you to hog the camera for three seconds of Sunday night airtime. You can be die hard without celebrating being obese or obnoxious. Why you would want to be associated with a program that allows Faith Hill to ruin Joan Jett?

Football fans (which reminds me of a great McDonald's customer service story), homosexuals, pop stars and pit bull fans, I've seen to have covered a lot so far without reaching my conclusion. For not blogging in 50 days, it at least feels like I still got it. When I start thinking like that, it is probably time to wrap it up.

I doubt I will ever be drawn to owning a pit bull as a pet. Not because of their innate violent nature, but because I like my pets to be small and cuddly. Not purse portable (fuck Paris and Tink), just small enough and safe enough that they can prepare any infant for an Olympic-level Roman-Greco wrestling future. My folks will agree with that logic. Pit bulls would probably encourage a pro wrestling career if the babe survives.

It's like a DirecTV ad, don't let your baby become a pro wrestler, or wear a dog collar.

Kidding aside, I cannot oppose people owning and loving pit bulls. I can oppose them posting about the misconceptions on Facebook. The heat on dobermans eventually died down because we gradually heard less and less about their maulings. That should happen for pit bulls except people keep posting on social networks that about the oppression they face as owners of crazy dogs.

It is like any beautiful weapon. It takes time to realize that it is beautiful. Take the samurai sword for example. Only their operators could initially respect their beauty. Peasants feared them until samurai's stopped slicing them down with the blades. The Meiji revolution helped limit the slayings, but eventually they saw the elegance of the tool.

Shoving the friendliness of a bread killer down my throat is only going alienate me from your cause. I think Chris Benoit did more good than bad, but I can't sell many on how he was more than just a killer.

Pit bull pride? Is that why we must hear about it? It is not like being gay, straight, white, black, brown, etc. To paraphrase Anne Frank, people are generally good, and aren't associated with their potential to rip your throat out.

And in the World War II vein, aren't pit bull fans dog Nazis. With all the furballs who get put down at PAWS each month because they aren't a pure ideal, isn't breeding certain races and abandoning others evil?

I'm getting judgmental here and I must apologize. If you want to own a pit bull, that is fine. I'm just telling you that you better own a house because I cannot blame a landlord for saying no to that four-legged resident. There will be a time when everyone will be cool with owning pits, but if you keep demanding us to accept them, you are delaying that and not helping your cause.

It is a hear no, see no, speak no evil situation. It's sad because there may be no evil, but there are excessive, repetitive, and pointless Facebook updates that waste my time when all I want to know is if there will be a place or an event where I won't be drinking alone. That may just be evil enough for me.

Have a pro pit kegger, and I may give a shit.

"Don't let your babies grow up to be Cubs Fans, and always remember to spay or neuter your White Sox Fans," Russ Stevens

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