
Friday, January 11, 2019

9/13/11: Pay Me, Friend Me, Screw Me. Or I'll Start Hoarding Cats.

I need something awesome to happen in my life. It may only be a situational issue. No way to adjust my schedule to mix things up. Deciding to pay off my bills is severely limiting things. This blog is a response to the monotony of watching movies just to have something to write about.

The problem is that nothing is happening or seemingly can happen. I don't even want to get into the frustration that genuine assholes seem to prosper. Not that they all prosper, but they are the first to let you know if they are. Life can suck, but misery loves company, and damn how I could use that.

Eva - Rebel Cat and Queen of My WorldAt least declawed company. Honestly, the company can have claws as long as they can balance. Eva went and shredded my left hand in a battle for the laptop mouse. It is not like she meant to do it.  I don't think any cat can intentionally do a somersault when falling out of a chair. She definitely didn't mean to. Her claws trying to reach out for me during the fall is an indicator of that.

Now I cannot even watch 80's action movies. The cat thinks she can be the victim. Better leave the TV on a loop of the openings sequences to "Cliffhanger" and "Ace Ventura 2" when I head to Wrigleyville next week. Teach her the lesson that my last girlfriend left me with. We do not want you to fall, but you are going to fall no matter what we do.

That actually was the roommate prior to her. The last girlfriend never had the nerve to do anything brave. Thing about the last one kind of makes me appreciate the immature fuck who changed the name of my WiFi network from "Russ and Cin" to Russ and Cin are Gay." If I could get past the homo-hate, it may have cracked a smile on my face.

Wrestling career is over, so I don't have the reason to buy razor blades. I don't believe in handguns, so self-inflicted gun shot wounds are not an option (I can't top Vincent D'Onofrio in "Full Metal Jacket" anyway). And the cat's curiosity prevents me from using a noose. It would be just too cute to be fighting over who can play with the rope.

I really ought to start hoarding cats. All you need to do is get them use to the taste of feline, and the little cannibals would handle the cleanliness issue. At least everyone is interested in cute animals and their abuse. Look at the ratings for "Animal Hoarders." People would finally pay attention to me. All I really have to talk about is the wrestling I watch on the weekend because I've out grown the idiots mentioned in my prior blog.
Hence, why there will be a breakdown on Punk's truthful claim that the WWE only supports body builders and incompetent basketball players to fill up the empty space on the right side At least it gives me something to do when I get home from work tomorrow since I cannot abuse $2 drinks downtown.

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