
Friday, August 28, 2020

Imagining We Still Had VHS - "RIN: Daughters of the Mnemosyne"

*Blog post started on August 27, 2020.

And I am immediately regretting the TV/Blu-ray that I watched last night. First off, it is because the schedule for blog publicization (Because I want to see how everything looks, they get published about a week a head of the @maineventzombie tweet storm.) needed to be switched up. That is actually secondly when I try to put everything in chronologic order.

Firstly, I tried to add to my "Chris Memoirs" about how past loved ones seem to determine that I am an agent of chaos while Trevor Noah is discussing actual chaos. It is tough to document how I feel sorry for myself when the only life that I am fucking up is my own. What that lead to was me feeling guilty about my race's responsibility of oppressions towards the downtrodden? Talking myself down saying it is okay because I at least recognize my white privilege and have stood up for change leads me to feeling useless when my parents have a narrative to punish me if I challenge their, "It is what it is mantra".

My life feels like a mess in which I am always wondering if I can actually fix it. I feel like I am pretty useless and it feels like the moment that I left settling on a Caterpillar job at 21 (I am not Trent from my "Memoirs"), no one has put any faith in me to succeed in pursuing my passions. There are no little Scoops wondering Central Illinois. Choosing not to just shag anything I can with no caution taken should be applauded and shows that I am still dedicated to my aspirations. It is either I have not grown up or people just do not care about me. Why believe in someone who does not believe in your system?

At least that is directing me to try and be more independent. If you are not going believe in me, I cannot count on your support. But, as I was writing last night, I crave chaos beyond myself. Here is to holding off the shunning till after I get those nights in October.

The lengthiness of what I wrote about second definitely shows that it deserved more time. My third concern is rather trivial. I did not need to watch an anime last night to review. It seems like I may as well just review all six episodes of  "RIN: Daughters of the Mnemosyne", the first entire anime series that was a blind purchase at regular price.

I suppose it was not totally blind. First off, there was probably a gift card involved, so was it really my money? Secondly, aside from the erotic tones the box art put off, I did look at the production company, Xebec, and recall they were responsible for "Martian Successor Nadesico". How I could I resist seeing what the team behind my second favorite giant mecha series do with this genre? The description gave me "Hellsing" and "Highlander" vibes, so how I could fault this purchase?

And then I got Netflix.

"RIN: Daughters of the Mnemosyne" - Episodes 1 and 2

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Trippy Seinfeld like Tale

*Blog post started August 26, 2020.

If you need to catch up with what has been going on with my life, thank you for caring. Check out this blog "The OCHO or the Disgruntled's Real Secondary Championship: Part 7".

Things definitely sounded like more fun then, or more thoughtful. I have had only two days between these posts. My latest endeavor has been to fill up a journal that I started back in January 2013 and try to turn that into a narrative about how my life has changed from being friends zoned by strippers to be friend zoned on Snapchat.

Do not be surprised if I decide I enjoyed certain entries so much that I start my "Chris Memoir" series. It may not be a bad idea since (It is now a term my sister has been using as an adverb.), is sort of on a hiatus in terms of fresh reviews. I can only rewatch so much anime for AnimeRuss. Of course, something should be saved incase fame or infamy ever comes my way. Names would be dropped.

Spinning my wheels right now is pretty frustrating. I am trying to clean myself up to get out of this intense diabetes watch, so I cannot drink. CBD seems to help, but accessing pot is difficult (cash only) and CBD does not quit take the edge off like THC. At least I have gotten sometime planned out in October to go crazy, so just need to survive September, and life will soon have its moments.

Gods know that I wish all of that would happen sooner. Otherwise, I am just left watching the world decay in a sober state of mind. Fame would be nice just so I could treat the world like Hunter S. Thompson did. Dependency on an employer means you have to consider other people's judgement of you. How do I turn my ideas into something that warrants a Patreon?

I hate to acknowledge, but Mom was right. With my love for debate, becoming an attorney would have been a good career path. To live like Doctor Gonzo would be a bit extreme, but if that is the price of not worrying about being fired, it seems to be a worthwhile trade.

About anything seems more worthwhile than dealing with this country without the option to get fucked up. At least that is what I think Hunter S. Thompson's works are trying to tell us. I may need to read his works, but I might just watch "Where the Buffalo Roam" instead. "The Rum Diaries" were fun just poorly paced. Surely watching the other two of his onscreen adaptations will allow me to obtain a better grasp on "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Having a trunk full of cocaine, acid, ether and mescaline is not cheap, so when the Timothy Leary enthusiast needs money, Raoul Duke will just have to cover the Mint 400 off-road motorcycle race outside of Las Vegas. The story is not one he wants to cover, but what you can get away in the Sin City should allow him a chance to enjoy whatever he could desire. This is at least what his attorney, Dr. Gonzo, suggests.

For Gonzo, the trip is nothing more than an excuse to stay high and upset the squares. His client wants to actually get something from this trip that has meaning. Instead, he seems to be babysitting his associate to prevent him from acting on his worse urges. It gets to the point where Duke fears that this excursion will be his last. Gonzo extending the stay by getting him assigned to cover the District Attorney Convention on Narcotics may guarantee that.

As I mention in my last wrestling blog, I did watch the majority of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" with an alcohol-fueled buzz. It is a visually fascinating film, and if director Terry Gilliam goal was to capture the drug trip that Hunter S. Thompson may have actually been on, the film works very well. But I sense there was a story that had to take a backseat to an environment that lacks the charm the director offered from his time with Monty Python.

Personally, I would have rather had Gilliam just animate this film based on the illustration associated with Thompson's work. The effects seem more tacky than impressive. They work for the trippy elements, but when you are looking for a coherent story, they serve only as distractions.

With all theses means of taking your mind off the story, perhaps Gilliam was trying to have the audience further appreciate the brief moments of clarity. Those only take up 10, 15 minutes at best, of the film. At two hours, those 10 minutes better whack you in the face to for them to come across as meaningful.

And this is where I declare "Fear and Loathing" as the "Seinfeld" of acid trips because barely anything happens. You get great performances from all involved which keeps you watching, and it probably gives you some quotable lines. These performances unfortunately cannot string the incoherency of content together to make this feature the cult classic that it has become.

If you want a long strange trip, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" will provide it to you. If you want a narrative, read the book. This picture is more on an experience than a movie and it shows the trend and reasoning why many think that Terry Gilliam is nothing more than style over substance. Oh how I miss Terry Jones.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The City of Lost Children - Intercourse "Avatar" (A 2010 Review)

Is there any director who has created richer environments than those of Jean-Pierre Juenet? They are bound to conventional sets unlike the "Star Wars Prequels" and, with the exception of "Avatar" (Which even in 2020, I have yet to view.), he decimates any vision presented by James Cameron (I should state that I have not watched any post "Amelie" films by the director. I do have a Blu-ray for "Mic Macs").

Like Cameron, each of his films is an improvement over the next, but judging that it took 25 years before Cameron offered anything to compare to Juenet's grasp on mise en scene, it is clear who the superior, or at the very least underappreciated, director is. If one is looking for an example of this which is not too French, one should give "The City of Lost Children", a twisted "Peter Pan" like adventure, their undivided attention.

In a broke down world where children represent the lowest class/caste, an evil genius is desperate to obtain the ability to dream without fear. To do this, he has a cycloptic army kidnap the most defenseless children to use as their dreams as templates. If the children present him with nightmares, the are discarded.

The latest group of children includes Denree, the fearless little brother of carnival strong man Mr. One. Desperate to take back the only family he has, One obtains the assistance of Miette, a leader on juvenile thieves. As they search for Little Brother, the two develop a great bond that only true family can have. Will their bond be enough to defeat the evil that they are bound to face?

If you enjoyed "Alien Resurrection" then you will absolutely be blown away by "The City of Lost Children". Since it is beyond easy to assume that may not be the case (an unfair take), you will still enjoy "City".

The superiority as a director when compared to Cameron is apparent between "Alien", my favorite Cameron film and "Resurrection". The environment are far more stunning in Juenet's world, but his story in nothing compared to Cameron's take on xenomorphs. I am a fan of "Resurrection", but it does not do Juenet justice.

"The City of Lost Children" story is brilliant. The only flaw that may exist is that it might feel long. A common trait of French cinema is a need to cover every aspect of the tale. Since every detail of the story is extraordinarily unique, every scene seems worthwhile, especially with multiple viewings.

Accompanying the brilliant direction and story, "City's" may feature the best Ron Perlman performance along side the greatest child ensemble and the director's usual suspects. Everyone delivers superb performances that may leave an audience to ignore how intense the story is. This provides an even greater fairy tale feel. To make sure the audience does not get lost in that vibe, Angelo Badalamenti's score (best known for his work with David Lynch) keeps the reality of the situations grounded.

I do not want to be over praising of Juenet. Much of the credit needs to go to the production designer or Jean Rabasse and fellow credited director Marc Caro for creating a the world with sparingly use of computer generated effects. Perhaps the excessive praise for Juenet stems from him carrying this atmosphere to his later films without having Caro at his side. He has definitely set his style apart from any other major director. This style may have been mastered by George Lucas, but only for a decade (not the 90's or 00's), and one that Terry Gillian seems to be constantly trying to regain post "Brazil".

"The City of Lost Children" is a masterpiece that any fantasy director should look to for inspiration. "Avatar" seems to be the only film in the past decade (review written in 2010) that could come close to this film's majesty, but I doubt James Cameron's feature lacks the uniqueness in story and characters. This is a one of a kind film from a one of a kind director in Jean-Pierre Juenet.

Monday, August 24, 2020

The OCHO or the Disgruntled's Real Secondary Championship: Part 7

*Blog post started on August 24, 2020.

It is a good thing the alcohol and general exhaustion from my staycation kicked in last night because I could not finish "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". My need to stick to a schedule means I did not need to review it today. Hopefully, "AEW Dark" will not run too long because I do need something for a Wednesday post. I mean Thursday. Being away from a keyboard for a week can really screw you up.

Part of my inability to stick it through a two-hour flick was constantly checking IMDb on my phone to verify that I caught something in this trippy film. Then, I dove into some rabbit holes. My feelings toward Christina Ricci are more off than I originally thought. Her sexualized films are something I have avoided because she has always Wednesday Addams to me. It just felt creepy. Turns out, she is a half a month older than I.

Growing up is something I got to work on, especially with my efforts to be an ideal feminist. Quit identifying her as a child and let her be an empowered woman. Good thing Dakota Fanning did not star in any films that I would run out to see when she was a kid. That identity is something I do not need to correct. But am I denying her talent if I do not take her whole filmography into account?

So, the White Rabbit's trail was a real screwy one for me. If only the iPhone was never invented. It is just too easy to get distracted. Having to pull out a keyboard and waiting for the computer boot up takes more effort. Enough extra effort that I will just watch the movie.

That is the real reason I should be championing opening movie theaters back up instead of these unprecedented times leaving me with no place to take tea-totaling women out on dates. I just cannot skip to watching a flick at my place or yours. Movie theaters would be nice because I would just turn off my phone if there is a crowd. If there was not one, you cannot ask the projectionist to pause the movie so I can determine if that was actor was Flea or Ralph Fiennes.
Nick on Pinterest
Pausing is something I need to utilize more when it comes to watching pro-wrestling. How much AEW am I really absorbing when I am trying to send out my tweets to promote my blogs? If someone trashes The Squad, calling them out along by and all of their fellow douche-minded takes time. So what if I miss out on the 30-winner hashtag.

And of course the irony of DVR is that the NBA over run did not allow me to see all of the Saturday show when I came home from my retail gig. Nothing works in 2020.

Thus, I missed Mr. Brodie Lee ascension to the TNT Championship. If they book him right, he should be the most dominant champion in the business, especially after Roman Reigns surrendered his safety to run through The Fiend. Which is a great segue to what I hope is the conclusion to my title history of the Disgruntled's Real Secondary Championship series for The Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling blog.

I think there is only two years left to covered. If WWE hotshot booking can be avoided, this will should be brief.

Check out the rest of this blog and the indie/correct view on wrestling at The "Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling"

Friday, August 14, 2020

Imagining We Still Had VHS: "Claymore" Volume 1

*Blog post started on August 14, 2020.

Two more blog posts and I should be set for my vacation. It is great day to have multiple realizations. Unfortunately, the first being that you cannot have an anime review about a strong female protagonists that only covers its first few episodes and call it "A Taste of". I hope I get one more realization for an acceptable title by the time I finish the review.

As for my other realizations, I was able to remember my password to all the essential systems at my retail job (I should see if I can update my address outside of those confines) and I remember that I have a notebook of movie reviews from 2010 at my desk. If you want a third realization, it would seem that I was predisposed to focus on the 90-minute runtime as I soon discovered flipping through the pages.

Aside from my questionable health, I think the world is telling me to relax. High interest credit cards are in order. Lack of income should be straightened out with the return to retail. There is so much blog stuff today, why worry about the racist and sexist bullshit that Trump is going to be spouting today, at least for a few hours.

And there is the fourth realization. I am going home at some point this week, so Mom will keep me up to speed on that. It is tempting to put my "Squad Goals" and "IMPEACHED" bumper stickers on my car, but anxiety dictates I not bite the hand that is willing to feed. Play nice through October and be there to comfort her during her upcoming depression, provided this country is not as awful as it seems.

Speaking of awfulness, there are still tweets promoting my blogs to post today. After a momentous week, more trolling of great Americans is likely. With my luck, that might take up this evening, but since I love shooting Malort, I can endure and benefit from it. This would just mean I would have to bump back tonight's tweets to Monday. In turn, lets not worry about rushing a movie review out when the schedule would be better served by a wrestling list.

Just relax and let everything play out. It sort of feels like my increased use of cannabis might be shaping me into the ideal artist. Thank you Governor Pritzker.

Speaking of my enjoyment of the Member Berries strand, I should have probably have partook in it last night. It would have been appropriate since I decided to focus less on 90-minute flicks by returning to what got me into writing and the internet. That is anime.

Member Tenchi? Oh I member Tenchi! Member when Jerry Lawlor talked about puppies?

The only problem was that having seen episodes multiple times, paying attention to them is a little difficult in a sober state. I knew everything that was going to happen when I put "Claymore" into my Blu-ray player. What I failed to remember was how stylized the violence was and how the manga is captured. With rock music, colors, and violence, being high would have probably reinvented the experience.

Marijuana might reinvent the experience that was the pseudo-medieval "Claymore", but since I would like to express my admiration of it, better tell you what it is like with a clear head. Here is the experience of what would have probably been the first VHS tape of the series. Oh how I miss tape collecting.

Claymore: Episodes 1 through 4

The AWESOME Disgruntled's Real Secondary Champion: Part 6

*Blog post started on August 10, 2020.

Perhaps three post a week is too much. It is catching up to my output. On top of that, (Should I go and sit on that Twitter handle?), officially has more blog posts than, my primary blog that is meant to encourage assistance with the production of my zombie versus indie wrestler script (If you would like to see a treatment or offer ideas on how to get this project out of development hell, drop me an email at

This means that I will need to slowdown my viewing of "crappy" sub 138-minute flicks. I guess I have my anime expertise to fall back on and plenty of cartoons to watch, but change is hard. With anime being put out in season box sets, it will be easier to lose track of time. Nine to five (six) is my lifestyle now. Those all nighters would be ill-advised.

Things may slow down for me with my vacation next week. Checking out the old stomping grounds, my favorite bars included, should take up so much time, it will just be best to say, "Damn. Guess I will save those posts for next time." That will work, unless I throw in a fight with online trolls who suggest I leave the country, believe that the amendments after 10 did not change the Constitution, and/or are Islamophobic. 

Trying to be a bit healthier before my doctor's appointment tomorrow has left me going to bed early opposed to snacking and watching TV. Meaning if I get into a Twitter beef, there goes an evening. It will all be worth it when they willfully silence themselves by blocking me.

There are better victories to be had I know, but having just returned from my appointment with a lot to work on, this fight might be the only thing to keep food from my mouth. A better solution would be to take my writing home. The "doctor" (PA) suggested journaling, but my thoughts for the most part deserve to be heard, hence blogged.

It can add to my frustration since I have to do my damnedest to creatively identify someone as an asshole (who is not an conservative troll) without dropping their name. With that said, I might just have to refer to myself only by gimmick last name so when I break big, no one will track down Ma and Pa Stevens to tell them what was said about them. All that can be said about the appointment is the PA noticing I am stressed the fuck out.

There is no time to be stressed right now. If I want to relax and be forgetful next week, we got to get these blogs in the archive. With only six years left, lets return to my current distraction, the Disgruntled's Real Five-Star Championship.

The 121st Disgruntled's Real Five-Star Champion:(Intercontinental/United States/Philadelphia TV/Baltimore TV/X Division)

TNA X Division Champion SANADA (April 4, 2014 to July 10, 2014)
ROH slipped up when it came to booking Jay Lethal's second reign as TV champion. Lethal would eventually go on to win the World Championship. He would defend each title separately and subsequently lost the TV championship first. It leaves me feeling like the TV championship was just an afterthought.

SANADA would eventually lose the championship to Austin Aries who would surrender it to challenge for TNA's primary championship.

It is all a question of psychology I suppose. Can you build up a title only to let it slip and deem it unimportant when champion also holds a larger title? Or, do you distinguish that it is not equal to the world title but essential to becoming THE champion?

Thursday, August 13, 2020

90-min. Stallone - "Escape Plan 2: Hades" - Why Not Knock Off "Tron: Legacy"?

*Blog post started on August 13, 2020.

Medical appointments have passed, but with a one month follow up scheduled. Yes, I am still stressed about that. And yes, I am too honest to just cancel an appointment because it would not work with my schedule and wait till my next health scare.

Any other stress is probably undue bullshit. The Snapchat girl is sending mixed messages, going from work focus to "why can't a man satisfy me?" mode. Why do you not tell me to get over there and take care of you?

To make matters work, I at least got girls talking on three other platforms. This leaves me with three other conversations to worry about. Should I message them just to make sure they know I am still interested? Did I cross the line with some political commentary? Do they only chat from nine to five?

If you want to be totally up to speed with the life of this aspiring screenwriter/producer/pro-wrestling mind, check out "The AWESOME Disgruntled's Real Secondary Champion: Part 6".

And there are of course the blog posts that I need to all have prepared before my vacation. Because I got to justify my Netflix DVD subscription, my most recent disc had to get back to Carol Stream before the next billing period. "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" is next up which is good because I got to slow down my output for But until we get to the way I should be handling my Terry Gilliam collection (To my credit, my copies of "Brazil" and "12 Monkeys" were both purchased at heavily discounted prices.), we must tread through another post 2015 action movie starring Sylvester Stallone.

"Escape Plan" was an amusing enough movie that may have taken itself a little too seriously. With two sequels being shot back-to-back, one would suspect any other franchise to be taking itself way too seriously. Fortunately, when you realize these flicks are solely for the Chinese mainland (Free Hong Kong!), it is easy enough to relax and enjoy "Escape Plan 2: Hades" for the braid dead trash that I hoped "Rambo: Last Blood" would have been.

Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018, 1 hour 36 minutes)

Breslin Security has expanded from prison breaks to encompass rescue missions. With Ray Breslin tired of doing the physical work required in testing the effectiveness of prison security, Shu serves as his top agent. Unfortunately, the last bout with terrorists only allowed for half the assets to make it back home. If fellow agent Kimbral had skipped trying to further promote Breslin by blowing up the terrorists' weapons cache and arrived at the rendezvous on time, the results would probably have been different.

Ray fires Kimbral and puts Shu on leave to work on his team leadership skills. Shu decides to head back to Shanghai to visit his family, and make sure nothing happens to his satellite genius cousin, Yusheng, at a Bangkok bachelor party. At least being at his cousin's side means he will not have be alone when they are kidnapped to soon awake in a black op prison site called H.A.D.E.S.

The Zookeeper has been hired by a Swiss competitor to Yusheng. Shu and his cousin are there to be tortured until they give up the patent information for Yusheng's new satellite communication technology. HADES is far more complex than the last prison Ray broke out of and with the Zookeeper having inmates fight for luxuries, how long can our protagonists last?

We know Ray is going to do anything he can to get Shu out, including recruiting the towering DeRosa to give them some extra firepower, but will not make a move until he is certain of success. It is all a matter of figuring out the location and layout of the prison. Time is one thing Shu has and with Kimbral being a fellow inmate, what he has learned from Ray gives him all he needs to win the day. But after all the damage that Breslin has done to the private prison industry, things seem far too easy.

"Escape Plan 2: Hades" starts out like any silly 80's action movie, but it makes a sudden turn to attempt and capture "The Matrix" cool aesthetic that exposes all of its weaknesses. It is kind of like "Tron" without the teleporting laser and smooth incorporation of effects. With punching and kicking being your primary means of action, our characters are not in the right movie. Especially Stallone who I do not believe knows how to kick.

I suppose the concept of a computer controlled prison allows for twists to constantly occur, but the narrative is far too predicable. The idea is to make the audience to try and figure out the puzzle as they go along. Its mistake is the constant twists to mock us just when the nerds develop a theory on how the protagonist can escape. This leads the audience to just quit caring, so only the stupidity of villain(s) can the film get them reinvested. That is a whole lot of stupid.

Director Steven C. Miller is accustomed to making stupid films. He directed a fun remake of "Silent Night, Deadly Night" ("Silent Night), but that film featured a script that does not necessarily make sense as it works to a big reveal. What made the film fun was a cast of screen chewers and shocking violence. The film chewer in "Escape Plan 2" is Stallone who is essentially there only for his brand value. He is not the lead, so he cannot chew the fat off of this film.

As for the violence, you get one great fight scene, otherwise the film is too quick to resolve its scenes. This leaves the flick with nothing for Miller to catch and over expose. If it left us with graphic scenes to linger on, it would play towards Miller's strengths. It also lacks a sense of humor or clever wit that can save an action movie. All of that is reserved for Dave Bautista's screen time. Since the third film in the franchise also features him, you have to admire the writer, Miles Chapman, doing the bare minimum to leave the audience wanting more.

"Escape Plan 2: Hades" might have figured out how to make a Chinese-funded trilogy work, leaving the audience just interested enough for a third film. In this case, I think this interest stems from wanting justification for putting up with a quickly produced sequel that lacks heart. It has some fun moments, but it also wants to prove itself smarter than its audience.

"HADES" might show up the audience with its twists to indicate intelligence, but it does not change the fact that it is built on a metaphoric swamp. How smart can you be if you are still sinking? Hopefully the wreckage of this castle will be enough to serve as a sturdy base for "Escape Plan: The Extractors".