
Monday, June 29, 2020

Peoria Wise and a 90 min. Exception "Zombieland: Double Tap".

*Blog post started on June 25, 2020.

I might be making this post too difficult. After starting up "The Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling" blog, a schedule of when certain posts were supposed to be released was established. So some my personal opinions timeline is going to involve a bit of shuffling. The biggest fear, the topical stuff will not be that in the next two weeks.

…five minutes later.

#SpeakingOut is still coming up on Wrestling Inc. headlines, so I can be optimistic that the attitude about the scene will not change. Ring of Honor says they are going to address the sexual assault accusation brought up against one of their head bookers. They said they will investigate it, but with Jay Lethal still being on the roster despite his indiscretions, if action is taken, I will have material to continue blogging about the movement. This schedule though leaves me behind in terms of addressing the movement, when I could feel like I was amongst the first.

So far, 40 has shown how far behind I have been. I have attempted to be a voice against racism ("Racism Can Play in Peoria. What About Your Local Wrestling"), but it took me another five years to attend my first protest. Tomorrow is going to be the first time that I have ever given blood. Being afraid of needles gave me an excuse for 23 years, but after my wrist and inevitable reign over Peoria wrestling was broken, that is not the case. When you see pins with pus leaking from them in your arm, you will rationalize how you handle other pointy metal things being inserted into your body.

Another first for 40 that involves insertion would be a prostate exam. A parental freak out about a dermatitis breakout left OSF realizing that I may have been trying to avoid attentive medical care. I figured I could slip past the system for a year since my last labs, but they are going to get on me about actually finding a practitioner now. The biggest issue is going back to the beginning when it comes to my type two diabetes concerns.

They were probably right in doing whatever labs they could, but the circumstances were not fair. I was in Morton when this went down, so of course I was eating shit during that 90-minute drive. Obviously blood sugars were high, and based on that, it is back to the beginning about caring for my condition. With the exception of my last doctor, everybody forces me to endure the lecture about the need to focus on vegetables and laying off the booze. Unless they are going to give me a medicinal marijuana card, nothing will change. Give me a card, and half of the conditions might.

The following is a suggestion to encourage men of my age to care about their health and cancer concerns. Reward those who need to deal with a prostate exam the medical weed card. I think the doctors would be surprised to find out what we will do for drugs. Granted, the exam no longer intimidates me, but that is some personal stuff you probably do not want me to get into.

With all the firsts I am dealing with, it is indeed ironic that my best received blog was "40 Years is Enough". In the end, I am just like Peoria, always 10 years behind. At least my love for the hometown is now established. It just sucks to realize that I am socially retarded. How many wise, leftist women have been pitying me?

Zombieland: Double Tap

Monday, June 22, 2020

Western Ignorance and The Disgruntled's Real Women's World Championship

*Blog post started on June 17, 2020.

Does Squarespace offer app development tools? Yes, I should just visit their website. This being the third blog that will be featured at the "Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling (", it seems like a good idea to give the reader a look into the thought process of "The Student of the Game" Scoop Staley/Russ Stevens.

When trying to come up with a subtitle for this post, I thought about "Fuck Squarespace" since I think I built my layout pretty quickly. Eight hours at the most, probably closer to four, was the amount of time for me to format this blog using Blogger's tools. For a guy who earned their plan B, web design certificate in the days of dial up, it looks pretty good.

The restrictions the layout has forces the blogger with an eye for layout from doing too much. Just visit my old anime blogs to see what I am talking about (AnimeFlow - or The Bus's Transit of Anime Realities - Of course, those were just personal sites. Once you work on a couple of not-for-profit and wrestling websites, you learn looks are more important than excessive usability. This makes me wonder if I should pull up all the wrestling websites I worked on to further show my skill. Do you ever want to have a reason to boot up a Windows Vista computer.

But, all this is based around a certification I obtained in 2002. I knew Flash, but it did not feel reliable format to focus on that. Regardless of the tools I know, apps for phones and tablets (primarily phones) are something I have no clue about. Wanting to develop an app for is why I felt I could create a new blog to serve as a draft for (a website to show all my writing off in hopes for the support to get my B-Movie zom-com script of the same name out of development hell. Feel free to send any suggestions or treatment requests to

Computer programming, or should I say efficient computer programming, is a skill set that I am lacking in. If it was not for my failure to learn data structures along with my lack of logical grip of reality, pursuing a career in what I truly loved, pro-wrestling (or just being applauded for risking my health in general), may not have happened. I am glad computer programming help me find myself, but to get the none cinematic projects of the ground, I am going to need help. This is not a money request, so if anyone can drop me an email at with means to develop a database app for phones, it would be greatly appreciated.

Speaking of data, I am presuming that if you are still reading this blog, you want me to discuss the history of the Disgruntled's Real Women's World Championship. Where to start, because unlike the Men's World and Men's World Tag Team histories, starting it at Starrcade 1983 seems to be out of the question? Women's wrestling was not on that card if I remember correctly.

At least that query shows I am watching old WWE Network content when ever I am subscribed. After the bullshit WWE pulled on Bar Wrestling, my subscription ends on July 4. I will not have that luxury until the Royal Rumble...maybe. This means that I better work this out quick.

Dynamite Kansai - Wikipedia
As it turns out, the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA, technically, the WWE acronym has no meaning thus why I did not spell out that promotion's former name) lost their women's championship when Fabulous Moolah (who owned the championship) sold it to Vince McMahon a month after Starrcade, so I guess we can start there anyhow. This is kind of sad because we cannot cancel this woman out. History does enough to show the lack of appreciation of women's wrestling. It is sad to find out that it was like that since the beginning.

The 1st Disgruntled's Real Women's World Champion:

NWA/World Wrestling Federation's The Fabulous Moolah (5) (October 9, 1978 to July 23, 1984)
I suppose every story involving women must start with original sin being their responsibility. Verne Gagne's American Wrestling Association Women's Championship had derived itself from the NWA's Women's Championship, but it was vacant at the time.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Current Disgruntled's Real World Championships & Trademark Inspiration

*Blog post started on June 16, 2020.

And why is Styx not in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame? Having too much time on my hands have lead me to my next big opinion piece. To go for that lame joke shows that they are timeless. Can Chicago ever get too much love?

I am just trying to get my personality out there because this may be the birth of my second pro-wrestling themed blog. How many times can I keep reposting my observations that "No Holds Barred" is the ideal pro-wrestling that Vincent K. McMahon is striving for?

The answer is one because if I am going to make this my primary wrestling blog. If you want to read the influence that Hulk Hogan's first starring vehicle had on the future of "sports entertainment" visit Rip 'Em System - It may even make you more confident of the opinions I will be expressing here.

Aside from being someone who at least has a grasp on the creative elements of pro-wrestling, I also consider myself a gentleman and a minor league feminist (I am at least at the Triple-A level. Perhaps Korean Baseball Organization League or even Nippon Professional Baseball. Not being able to truly know the experience of womanhood will keep me out of the majors.). Thus, it is only appropriate to officially cover women's pro-wrestling first.

Truthfully, the Disgruntled's Real World Championships had been determined for men's tag team and men's heavyweight wrestling. But getting to determine ladies pro-wrestling's best has allowed me a new outlet for my creativity. Or at least a new mean to express/promote it.

...five minutes later...

I guess trying to own DCW is out of the question. My curiosity wants me to research when Delaware Championship Wrestling became Dynamite Championship Wrestling, but that really does not matter. If I can gather enough coin, there are plenty of other names do use. Disgruntled Pro came to mind, but the acronym it already has leaves that one out. It probably is not wise to theme the name around those who have a chip on their shoulder anyhow.

DRCW (An error in registering the blog address makes it Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling) could be used as a sanctioning body if promoting is my way back to the ring. With that said, lets get to sanctioning.

Check out the rest of this blog and the indie/correct view on wrestling at The "Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling".

Pinterest Kva Shi -

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Bitch Slap: An ATTEMPT to Emasculate B-Movies

*Movie review from 2010.
*Blog post started on June 16, 2020.

We are back to eight-hour days in the Illinois-banking scene. Has much happened in my life that is worth writing about becomes the question for me.

Since I would like to get out a blog post tomorrow, the best course of action might just be to attach this to the front of my "Bitch Slap" movie review that I hinted at a couple of weeks ago. But I have five and a half hours left in my shift, thus, that is a lot of time to write. That amount is longer than it seems because our clientele does not seem to have the gotten the news that the lobby is now open.

I am not complaining about the lack of traffic. That is because, being a customer of this bank by default, it is good to know they are not flooding inboxes with how we appreciate people in masks coming up to our teller lanes. Or, my attentive nature made sure I did not sign up for promotional email when I filled out the paperwork. They cannot offer daily deals like my retail job, so aside from announcing the lobby is open, what would I be missing?

COD and IRA rates? For someone who might be cutting out a sixth of his income to venture the Second City for improv, it does not seem to be in the cards.

As mentioned three paragraphs (Two before this, so yes I proofread.) prior, I do have my review for 2009's "reinvention" of the B-movie, "Bitch Slap". The title of the feature gave me some inspiration of what I should be doing with the extra time. Women's wrestling is the only certain division that I have not tried to express the "Disgruntled Fan's Real World Championship" history for, so getting to work on that sounds amusing. 

There is no way I will be able to finish that by June 17, but I at least get to tease it. Until then, here is a movie review for a flick that perhaps all aspiring Joshis should watch for character inspiration. Guess that is essentially a thumbs up, so below will be the caution of what you will have to deal with for the prospective creativity from "Bitch Slap".

The grindhouse revival has brought back overly graphic horror, but not so much for exploitation films (2010 was when I wrote the first draft for this review). Michael Jai White could not sell me to watch "Black Dynamite" (a premise for which I must apologize for) and Zoe Bell's "Angel of Death" was good, but was not really grindhouse despite the Ted Raimi abuse. A film named "Bitch Slap" definitely is the first feature that I thought had the best shot at reviving the subgenre that "Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill" immediately comes to mind, but it may try too hard to do so.

Trixie, Hell, and Camaro have gotten themselves into a bit of a mess. They are stuck in the desert trying to find a stash of 200 million dollars in diamond with the only man who knew their location rotting in their trunk. Add nosey cops, cyberpunks, and a deteriorating trust amongst these thieves, thinks are bound to get even messier.

I have yet to watch the "Making a Better B-Movie" documentary on the "Bitch Slap" DVD, so at this time I feel this feature missed the mark on what a B-production is. Just because your computer-generated backgrounds look cheesy, does not mean they are in the right genre.

B-movies are suppose to be done on cheap sets that hardly even pass for a set. Sets are the one element that should not be over the top. Acting, props, and scripts are the things the director should go nuts with. This ads a contrast that only enhances the grindhouse feel.

Fortunately for "Bitch Slap!" the dialogue and action do deliver a beyond low-budget movie feel, but the script tries to do way too much. The "Fight Club" storytelling method (Hint at the end before starting at the beginning.) works, but trying to combine female exploitation with secret agent flick is a stretch.

"Bitch Slap" does a lot to reinvent B-cinema, but it tries to do so much that it nearly misses the point. Just because you can make any movie on any budget, (thanks to technology), does not mean you should. The film can be fun, but it seems to think that a B-movie is allowed to get on the audiences nerves. It is obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious, not obnoxious because of the it is trying to overcome the budget. Finding a certain level of relaxation is needed to get the most out of this flick, and that is probably best obtained from foreign chemicals.

That is probably the reason the film has the line, "Who says drugs are bad for you?"

Monday, June 15, 2020

"Ninja III: The Domination" - A Cannon Film/The Good Kind of Bank Fraud

*Blog post started on June 12, 2020

I suppose I should have been paying more attention to the movies "How Did This Get Made" had been riffing about since the pandemic occurred. Surely besides the recently release "Bloodshot", their producers must have been making an extra effort to find free movies from streaming services instead of just lousy ones.

Five minutes later...

There was no rhyme or reason as far as I could tell. It appears they are not in league with Shout! Factory which is kind of sad. Are the downloads lower when they cover a Roger Corman classic or a product of the Cannon Group? I am just saying that those films are comedy home runs while "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets", "Underworld: Blood Wars", and "Space Jam" tend to be horrid ideas that only The Asylum would try to knock off.

Films with at least 10's of millions of dollars as a minimum budget have to consider the concept of shame. If they fail, they will be remembered in infamy. This is why "Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films" was necessary. These films can be fondly remembered for solely being escapism and not art. It is basically mental porn, a break from your day or much needed relief.

Historians do not like to bring up porn when there is art to discuss, so there is a greater chance that we will lose films like "Ninja III: The Domination" from our collective consciousness. If this film (or most Cannon flicks not featuring Chuck Norris) had a plot that made as much sense as "Deep Throat", perhaps the conversation would be different.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

"Heroic Duo": Lacks the Excitement and Benefits of a Black Lives Matters March

*Review is from 2011. Blog post started on June 8, 2020.

I do not know if I am feeling accomplished from the past week/weekend. This is probably a good feeling since Donald Trump's Monday actions meant my week was dedicated to trying to be involved with the social movement. All I did was march on Saturday, and not even the whole route (The march was started as I got off work. I did earn the blister on my foot though. My black size 8 Chuck Taylors must have felt abandoned since Riot Fest.). It did not feel like I could make much of a difference, and all I did was declare the side I was on.

It was awkward. I could not tell if I had messed up wearing a white shirt (It was for feminist puck legends "Bikini Kill".) or if there are just too many black shirts being made. Declaring my support for Black Lives Matter was why I was there, but being outwardly vocal is not sober me. What would my Saturday have been like if I had started up the liquid courage at 1 pm? Probably dehydrated on a MTD bus and still miles from home.

This was my first protest, so I would think making rookie mistakes are understandable. Like anything else in life, it is about learning. Which means I am doing more than the likes of @tasmaniacal1 and @spolymathe. The experience did enlighten me about the thought processes of those who focus on being compassionate.

I will not be advocating for the Party of Liberation and Socialism because they call for too much of an overall in the electoral system, but it gave me a better perspective on how abusing non-whites is a practice of Western nations when it comes to the rest of the world. The event was peaceful, but it was attended by people that know there is time to literally destroy representations of the evils of the current economic and justice systems. As long as there are people like those, it makes you feel like we can make a difference.

Hopefully Mom understood the passion for change that I have. I am presuming that is why she just shouted, "No!" and left the room after I told her these marches cannot end until the federal government provides us with motivation to end them. You cannot have a world that is safe for only one set of people. The fear for my safety is something that feels right. There is a war, and you cannot sit on the sidelines.

The best thing about this war, thus far, is that the whiny bitches who came out for lockdown protests are too scared to come out with their guns to counter protest. It either indicates that they know they are on the wrong side of history or that they are not murder hungry assholes, just scared little white boys who solely own weapons to make up for their insecurities.

By talking about my experience, I am left thinking that maybe I am too hard on the second amendment. People need their tool of death to feel validation, so you cannot outlaw them. That is bullshit of course.

If it is about working hard in this county to show your worth, buying a gun instead of saving to buy that sports car means you are out to take short cuts. What kind of American does that make you?

I would say lazy, but I did not make much of an effort to transition to the concise movie review below. But when I recall that effort does not do so many Americans any good, lazy is something I can be comfortable with. Perhaps the hopes of getting to kill someone who may just be trying to survive makes gunowners watchers of the wall instead of undereducated sociopaths who feel life owed them the power to end someone elses.

"Heroic Duo" an Anticlimactic Gimmick. 

Why "Heroic Duo" is listed under the "Tartan Asian Extreme" label is beyond me. It attempts to be a psychological Hong Kong action flick, but it is just an HK action flick with little blood, obscenities, or nudity. This is EXTREME PG-13.

One of the top HKPD cops had set fire a safe to cover up a crime from years past. Inspector Li acknowledges the cop's guilt, but claims he was hypnotized. The officer eventually kills himself before the investigation can obtain any details about who was behind the crime.

To find out who could twist someone's mind like this, the police turn to China's top hypnotist, Professor Jack Lai. He does pose a risk to the investigation since he is serving 15 years for manslaughter, so trusting his motives is difficult. Can the police trust him or, by freeing him, have they unwittingly allowed this student to reconnect with his master? Only the strongest willed will prevail.

"Heroic Duo" has some great moments of gun play, but since it is about head games, that almost ends up being pointless. The hyper nature of a Jackie Chan will just grind to a halt WITHOUT punchlines or brutal stunts.

This film is an attempt to try something new with a genre, and the innovation should be appreciated. Unfortunately, the hypnosis standard was set by "Old Boy" and "Ichi the Killer". A jewel heist does not demand the attention given to classic action flicks involving incest and rape. An overbearing soundtrack and CG effects do not make up the gap in quality.

"Heroic Duo" should be a bit of fun, but does not do anything differentiate itself from any other throw away Hong Kong flick. To make matters worse, its premise holds the title back. It is a clever idea, just incompatible with HK action. Thus, this feature requires a lower IQ to truly take anything positive from it.

Monday, June 8, 2020

90 min Netflix DVD - "The Lure." All You Need to Know About Mermaids and Eastern Euro Pop

*Blog post started on June 2, 2020.

This week has started by just being awkward. We are given schedules with our regular hours only to be told that we are not yet ready to start them. Yes, it is because of the riots that happened Sunday and availability needs to be adjusted accordingly. No need to be open for white nationalist to point out where funds might be easily accessible.

With that said, maybe we need to skip expressing our anger with destruction and petty looting and skip to robbing banks. Everyone loves a charismatic bank robber.

It is good to joke about the civil disobedience and the morons who do not or refuse to understand it. Humor is my coping mechanism. Too bad it takes a hell of a lot of work to get to a point where I can talk to my family about it. Thus, I do not have anyone to talk to about it. The ex girlfriend is getting antsy to move on to living with her ex fiance who only lived with her for one year compared to the near four that I have. My cat(s) are great company, but tough to converse with. Never mind that it would be redundant. Their opinion is obvious about humanity. Burn it down.

So I woke up early on Monday to be three hours early. The bank closed for the day two and a half hours into my shift. This left me with way too much time. I did not know what to do with myself, so I was in bed before 11 pm. Noon was when I got out of bed and started the day, so at least I was finally able to hibernate. Hence, the biggest frustration for having a busy work shift was forgetting to document which blog posts needed to be published yesterday.

This might not necessarily be a bad thing. I might want to avoid releasing my latest political blog with how things are going. Only because it just does not involve the George Floyd situation directly. You will get the assholes I will call out saying that I am making it all about myself. It would be better for all of us if I just posted my "Bitch Slap" review from nine years prior. But now is the time to call out all the lousy cocksuckers (to just say cocksucker would not be an insult), and you know what side anyone who has a library of memes about the race card will be on.

It would not be fair to call them out without giving them notice that I will be calling them out. They would have to stick around for this post to know that. Good thing it is not the time to be fair. Here is to hoping that they will at least enjoy a review for a Polish mermaid rock musical. These fuckers will probably refer to that nations current political scene on how to handle the godless, so the "The Lure" might be right up their alley.

"The Lure"