
Saturday, October 27, 2018

Venom is the New Jonathan Swift - A Customer Specialist's Opinion on Modern Parenting

As I watch kids mess up the hotel's business center, hoping one of them takes a staple, I ponder who I despise more: Parents or Children. For a guy who gives to animal shelters ahead of pediatric cancer (hell, I have probably been a greater Green Peace contributor), it may surprise you that I will choose parents.

If I were to narrow it, I would say Generation X and Millennial parents. It sort of makes me wish Facebook had a usable interface to keep track of the friends that I will lose with that statement. To my friends who read this blog, I am not talking about (most of) you. Perhaps, it is great that I have been so alienated since my portrayal of Tigger Mask in AAW. I cannot past judgement on friends unless they voted for Trump.

In hospitality, you see parents partying in one half of the lobby while they let the kids do whatever they want within earshot. As long as they do not foresee something affecting their incidental deposit, the kids are presumed fine. They must think, "if I can deal with the noise all day, surely the retail/front desk person with bloodshot eyes can." It is probably presumed that I am a parent myself.

This makes me feel better about myself. Being by/on the campus of the University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign, it feels good to know you are wiser than those who went to the school. Screw your 27+ ACT score, I know how to apply a rubber. All these engineers and they do not appreciate the math and the trends to know that, maybe breeding should be dialed back.

It can be argued that employed engineering graduates have the resources to better care for kids. Thus, I am bitter at parents because I cannot afford to be one. That is not the case. The bitterness stems from you feeling that you can force upon me the noise you brought into the world.

The service and retail industries did not ask for whinyness on multiple fronts. Do you expect us to focus on being empathetic as you are shoveling shit in our face about your discontent that is more than likely beyond our control with a child belting out anger that would kill a symbiote?

The reference above makes me wish I could break up the "Disgruntled's Real Heavyweight Championship" series to allow me to reference Tom Hardy movies two weeks in a row. Did you notice their were pets in "Venom" but no small children or infants? I am just suggesting that Eddie Brock's and his bodymate may think the same as I do. With that said, maybe I should give veal a try.

The concept of Venom becoming a source for dead baby jokes actually makes them a better antihero.
All they have to think is that they are not eating the children for the taste. They are eating kids to make lousy parents suffer.

Despite all the negativity I have spouted towards those who spawn, I am not opposed to being a parent. This may show where my intelligence lacks. Being a parent and someone pursuing goals that may only serve their selves is a task I probably cannot handle. Being a great parent would have to be my only goal. You can only handle so much, and somethings are definitely more important to handle than others.


Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Elite Disgruntled's Real World Heavyweight Championship Title History.

How have I been since I finished my intense post (two/three days have passed in that time)? It is almost like I need to put out spoilers. Am I NXT, ROH, NJPW on Axs? Or am I Impact?

Acknowledging my trauma from sexual assault in regards to the wrestling business was therapeutic. I will have probably given the post at least one more proofread, more time to work through it, relive it, regret it. At least the expectations are known...except for  a significant loss of @maineventzombie Twitter followers (80 to 75, guess I am as insincere as those saying my anti-Southern Pride blog claim). As long as Kavanaugh has not made any decisions between now and then, my outlook should not be any more dire.

With that thought, placing our cats in suspended animation when we are not at home to extend their lives should be a technology to explore and to patent. We can use my girlfriend's cat, a cooler and some dry ice to start. Then there will be no more need to inquire my readers about helping me out in finding a way to promote my B-movie pro-wrestling zomcom, Main Event of the Dead, I would be happy to send you a treatment if you e-mail me at

Placing a plug there reminds me that Redbox may need my film. "Black Water" with Jean Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren amused me, but was 15 minutes too long to warrant any more coverage a submarine B-movie that was filmed on one sound stage deserves. Sound stage may be too generous. It may have been whatever floor in an office building the production company claims to be their's.

With "Main Event of the Dead," there are no illusions that there will not be a variety of sets. Trying to convince us that the same control room desk is on opposite sides of the sub will not be an issue. But, with the next rewrite, maybe we could set it in a submarine instead of Don's in Donahue or The Eagles Club in Berwyn.

"Black Water" shows me that finding the perfect length for a project is important, so since this is the end of my "Disgruntled's Real World Champion" blog, I worked on a summary of the past four entries' lists to fill up any empty space. Hopefully, my last ditch effort for discussion, will not be like that film.

See the conclusion to this blog series at Rip 'Em System Tumblr.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

#MeToo and the Disgruntled's Real World Champ Part 4

Damn, it has been a tough week. Joe Madden may have over thought the Cubs last two games. "Venom" is a so bad it is good movie which leads me to fear the fate of the Sony franchises. I seem to be getting ahead of my blogs by one week, hence I may be working too much.

And then you have the all but certain demise of the country with the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation. How do you tell a happily married man who takes you to sporting event and respects his Nike-boycotting wife that there is no way I want to stand for a flag that represents a dead country. But I respect the man, so I should not embarrass him despite his wife has said that we cannot fault powerful men for abusing their power, unless they were communist revolutionaries.

I never got away with anything growing up. Being too honest has plagued me. Striving for decency deters me from a negative path. The point is, if I screwed up, I paid, and have always paid. If we have learned anything from the Me Too Movement, is that everybody should answer for their indiscretions. It is not vengeance, it is a means to encourage protecting those whose safety is the target of those in power.

Thus, I am pondering if I should make this rant relevant to the current theme of the blog by exploring the incidents of sexual assault and harassment that I have experienced from my time in professional wrestling. You could call it hazing bullshit, but the fact of the matter is if I broke these guys faces, I risked never being booked again by that promotion. What really hurts is that the promotion never used me again. To their credit, I was booked and wisely ended up being a healthy scratch on my last trip to Southern Wisconsin for a last minute appearance by Silas Young, so at least the promotion remembered me.

It was 14 years ago. I was victimized. You cannot hold it against me if I was bumped from the card for someone less prestigious that The Last Real Man in Professional Wrestling (do not hold the gimmick against him). The culprits and facilitators are remembered, especially those who boasted about it. The stories were something I laughed off with the guys in the business like it was just a permanent marker stunt on my face, but when normal people ask for crazy and obscene stories from the business, you realize that the ones that come to immediate mind demonstrate behavior that is not acceptable. You realize that you were abused and you feel you can only blame yourself since you still want to be a part of the business. You cannot blame the sport.

But, these guys (for the most part) are friends and a couple of them have kids. There is a slim chance their life could be ruined since I am already wrestling's persona non grata south of I-80. Why be afraid of going national? Should I wait till I hear about their next job opportunity? I have not killed their present, but why do I feel like I have paid for their constant happiness I have perceived?

I suppose I should just be happy not having post traumatic stress in regards to this issue, or am I just now showing that I suffer from these stunts? Time does not heel all wounds. If this would have been realized when I was in therapy in regards to abusive relationships and and failing to prevent a gas station suicide, perhaps the Supreme Court fulfilling the wills of sex offenders for the next 20 years would not leave me considering snuffing myself (I really needed a better therapist, so probably not).

Hopefully, Ronan Farrow gets wind of this blog and helps me decide if I will name names. Provided that we get over the mess of me being a Woody Allen apologist of course. Time wears away, it does not heal. So I guess the moral is not to wound in the first place.

With that said, I would like to apologize to "Lauren" at Big Al's in Peoria (2015) if I was too handsy to begin with. It was me testing boundaries, and regardless if I stopped when told, I did wrong to begin with.

I gotta at least answer for my indiscretions, before I get this blog back on track. If only I could hold off on the posting till WWE's Evolution for the sake of cultural relevance. But, releasing this a week later may be too much time from when I wrote this.

Anyhow this blog has all the stuff marks want in bold, so the intro and transition do not matter to anyone besides me I suppose. More reason to try and be brave about abuse and the regret that people may have givien a shit about me if my struggles were more relatable than just being in my head.

See the conclusion to this blog series at Rip 'Em System Tumblr.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Belt for the IWC? The Disgruntled's Real World Champ - Part 3a

It was a pretty good week of wrestling without the WWE Network or indie shows to attend. Sunday was spent in the old venue for Freelance Wrestling, The Bottom Lounge, to see Pig put on a great set. A woman actually was impressed by my industrial rock-themed vest and may be sending the materials to build her one. For something that I was hoping to use as ring gear someday (anyone have 12-grande to help me start a wrestling promotion), my indie credibility seems secured.

Only downer was the breakup of Okada and Gedo. Right after I had bout the shirt that featured both of them being very kawaii.

And speaking of Freelance, Muhammad Ali really impressed me for the first time on "205 Live (via Hulu)" since his bout with Buddy Murphy. Since he is someone who is ripping off DJZ and never a strong promo (at least on WWE TV), he left me hoping they will not ditch the brand. If only the Hulu version could cut out the non-match segments. I cut the WWE Network off because of the sexism, but I was not missing contract signings and championship-related, face-to-face verbal sparring.

NJPW World, Being the Elite, and sales at Pro Wrestling Tees: keep this formula up and it may lead to me never consider a WWE World Champion as the premier champion in the industry. Just wait till I tap into the Honor Club. Is the Highspots Network worth it?

Regardless of my thoughts on the future champions, when Puroresu was being established, I think most of us agree it was a totally different style. Besides for swapping your American World title to a Japanese wrestler on his soil to build another fan base, there was very little crossover. Story lines are what drives the American-style while an in ring athletic spectacle is what you watch Japanese wrestling for. You can just pick a NJPW match to watch and never need a video package to give you context.

So, what I am getting at is it may not be reasonable to put the IWGP Heavyweight, GHC Heavyweight, or the Triple Crown in the running as possible Real World Heavyweight Championship.

Fortunately, there was Samoa Joe and Chris Benoit who were there to make us not necessarily watch the majority of JBL's title reign and to make things further interesting in regards to this narrative.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Philadelphia's Underappreciated Championship: Disgruntled Real World Champ - Part 2


  New post  The ULTIMATE!

I suppose I should be thankful for the downtime of a Monday (and strangely a Friday). With a youth soccer tourney coming in next weekend, it is best to make use of my moments of sanity (especially after the kids from the Bar Mitzvah were discouraging my limited Yidish go to expletive phrases). Writing a new blog with this time is better than reloading the stats page to see if I got any views for the previous volume.

Tomorrow maybe a good time to watch the AAW matches to construct the opening scene to the pilot I am trying to write. Then again, its my one day off from making somebody else serious cash. Considering my stance that I am pro-wrestling's premier Cubs fan, it may be best that I head up to Wrigley. Of course, as long a CM Punk is holding out on Colt Cabana, I doubt anyone would allow him to take that claim from me.

A writer has got to write, and piss people off in the Internet age, so again, do it when you get the chance and imagine the wage is going towards that.

This "Real World Champ" series may not be worth much if I do not get any discussion about it. Thankfully, I got a few likes on Twitter and amused the newest mark at my retail job. Otherwise the lack of discussion is not getting to me. Until I hear people tell me that Shane Douglas was not more important than the Ultimate Warrior, I will let my fingers march on about this topic with the knowledge that I am right.

When I left off the last blog, I stated that Shane Douglas had elevated the ECW World Heavyweight Championship to the most important belt of gold in professional wrestling. Some of you may agree with the circumstances for the claim to the title, but not for the length of his reign. I believe he did not have a title defense between May 3, 1998 and his loss of the title to Taz on January 10, 1999. I believe the self-professed critic KB from KB's Wrestling Reviews would agree with this (but his review of ECW Wrestlepalooza '98 shows he may not have an understanding of context).

If we cut the reign off on May 3, your championship options would be Steve Austin (whose reign would end in a swap with Kane, to be followed up with a vacating of the WWF Championship), Hollywood Hogan (who would lose WCW's Big Gold Belt to Goldberg, whom most marks would disqualify because of his limitations) and the NWA's Dan Severn (if it is not being seen, is it happening?). I do not see any of these reigns as qualifying for the Real World Championship.

A way to recognize the importance of the so called Attitude Era would be to give the REAL title to Austin, who will lose it to Hogan. The hiccup in Austin's reign makes it so you cannot put the belt back on him, so you give it to Goldberg, but he would lose it to Kevin Nash who would lose it back to Hogan via the finger poke of doom. The Rock could not take the title from Goldberg since his WWF title win was a sham, so Mankind could not with the REAL title from Nash.

Five hall of famers, but no great reigns. But through all this talk, the importance of Austin's game-changing title win can be recognized if we include the most extreme American version of the World Heavyweight Championship.

A Belt for the IWC? The Disgruntled's Real World Champ - Part 3

It was a pretty good week of wrestling without the WWE Network or indie shows to attend. Sunday was spent in the old venue for Freelance Wrestling, The Bottom Lounge, to see Pig put on a great set. A woman actually was impressed by my industrial rock-themed vest and may be sending the materials to build her one. For something that I was hoping to use as ring gear someday (anyone have 12-grande to help me start a wrestling promotion), my indie credibility seems secured.

Only downer was the breakup of Okada and Gedo. Right after I had bout the shirt that featured both of them being very kawaii.

And speaking of Freelance, Muhammad Ali really impressed me for the first time on "205 Live (via Hulu)" since his bout with Buddy Murphy. Since he is someone who is ripping off DJZ and never a strong promo (at least on WWE TV), he left me hoping they will not ditch the brand. If only the Hulu version could cut out the non-match segments. I cut the WWE Network off because of the sexism, but I was not missing contract signings and championship-related, face-to-face verbal sparring.

NJPW World, Being the Elite, and sales at Pro Wrestling Tees: keep this formula up and it may lead to me never consider a WWE World Champion as the premier champion in the industry. Just wait till I tap into the Honor Club. Is the Highspots Network worth it?

Regardless of my thoughts on the future champions, when Puroresu was being established, I think most of us agree it was a totally different style. Besides for swapping your American World title to a Japanese wrestler on his soil to build another fan base, there was very little crossover. Story lines are what drives the American-style while an in ring athletic spectacle is what you watch Japanese wrestling for. You can just pick a NJPW match to watch and never need a video package to give you context.

So, what I am getting at is it may not be reasonable to put the IWGP Heavyweight, GHC Heavyweight, or the Triple Crown in the running as possible Real World Heavyweight Championship.

Fortunately, there was Samoa Joe and Chris Benoit who were there to make us not necessarily watch the majority of JBL's title reign and to make things further interesting in regards to this narrative.