
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hashtag IWA-MeToo: 1st Match

Sometimes I feel satire is dead. I suppose the Internet is to blame. It is great that everybody is reading, but if you do not have the ability to comprehend, what is the point? November 8, 2016 is evidence of that.

I think back to my intro to literature class at Illinois Central College in 2007 when we were assigned to read "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift. My best friend and I were the only ones who spoke of thoroughly enjoying it. Anyone else in the room who had an opinion questioned how someone, an Irishman at that, would dare suggest the English eating the children of McImmigrants. That is Peoria for you, and sadly since it is the premier test market in the country, that is a reflection of the rest of the country, at least the cities and suburbs that lack major league sports franchises...and Indianapolis...Mike "Fucking" Pence.

I bring up the rest of the country because population density suggest that they do not truly have neighbors. They only have themselves to care for. So they lack any thought to being empathetic because everyone around them looks or acts just like them. If you cannot understand how other people feel, how are you going to comprehend a joke about how ridiculous one group of people were treating another? To them it is a tale of the evil British eating the white babies that we all identify as on March 17 instead of a statement about how people do not care for the marginalized.

Call yourself a pro at the expense of decency
It is these kind of people who are fine with a Tracy Smothers's wrestling school, School of Smothers, using the Confederate battle flag as part of the logo. I have fought this battle before and was shat on for by the likes of Christian Rose for reminding Tracy he was a Full Blooded Italian. With the training center being in Lincoln, Illinois, a town named after the President who destroyed the identity of the Southern States, it is fair to mention him in a blog that is about excusing awful people, or at the very least awful.