
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Those for Conceal and Carry: America's New Pets (Schrodinger's Cat: Part 13)

Before we get into my leftist agenda, which wouldn't exist on this website dedicated to a film production, I'd like to at least attempt to spark your interest in "Main Event of the Dead." This is a film I written about "pro" wrestlers who get conned into competing against undead wrestlers with borderline offensive gimmicks. Nudity, gore and comedy, this film will attempt to take wrestling to an extreme and back from those who say "Let's Go Cena!" Feel fee to ask for a treatment of the story by emailing

If only I could get WWE Films behind it. I'd definitely have a better tag line: "If Cena Lives, We Riot."

At this time, I'm not looking for finances to get this project off the ground, just support and some promotional material. If I I have that, I have something to post on Kickstarter to get the cash. 

Please send me your suggestions, if I haven't pissed you off. Or even if I have. That way, I won't need to constantly come up with material, thus the need to blog about what's wrong with the right will cease.

Honestly, I do not know why anyone would be offended when I'm comparing those people to the most adorable creatures on this planet, cats.

A few mornings ago, I leave my second floor apartment to see the heartwarming visage of a black cat with white paws wondering on the balcony. This left me in a very vulnerable state since other residents were leaving for their jobs, and no one was attending to this sleek furball. After a few moments, I was left to follow suit. Without tags, no matter how undoubtedly loving this feline maybe, I couldn't leave a wild beast with my furry, fluffy and awesome cat Eva. At least if she...

Why do we assign the feminine gender to cats...or at least why do I...lets avoid my personal issues for a change with this blog.

If this lost godly creature had her tags, someone could at least knock on the door of the owner to inform them that their residence is less holy. Without a response, I could at least present her with a safe social environment until the bi-peds (sorry if I'm just assuming all my neighbors haven't sacrificed legs to the Bush administration) returned from their places of works.

I hate having to do anything that may serve to restrict...or just tick cute roommate, but I determined that my cat needed to sport her tags. A challenge since she won't communicate her fashion sense. But on the bright side, this means I have a cat urine-free wardrobe, at least until she gets of 3/8th inch choker.

Rationalization 42: Everyone Needs a Visible Tattoo for Identifications Sake.

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 12: Petition to Waterboard Nancy Grace)

Any aspiring artist reading this blog? Any cute girls who can seductively read a press statement? If you want to make lower three figures (five if you include pass the decimal point), let me know if you would like to assist with the promotion for my zombie versus pro-wrestling screenplay, "Main Event of the Dead." © 2011 Russ Stevens. If you want to preview the project before committing, let me know and I'll send you a treatment of the script (

This project is not about making money, just an investment in yet another profession that most have advised not to pursue. So, I'm not in a position to exploit your efforts.

and thus, you've just read my latest rationalization...

Rationalization 38: I'm Not Nancy Grace.

I may have my creativity back. That felt like one of my most constructive introductions to my Cat blogs. This may have also presented a new format for all of my personal blogs that aren't actually related to the actual production of "Main Event of the Dead."

Allow me to rephrase the previous statement. These blogs aren't directly related to the production of my film. The implication that if you really want to help me, actually show support for this project. Hell, I'll settle for some word of mouth if you can't commit.

And please spread the word, because I don't know how I'll use this blog format once I have concluded this series.

Rationalization 39: Facebook is the home for the angry minority and stupid majority.

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

Friday, April 4, 2014

A Brief Morose Installment

I think I may be creatively shot. An optimist would say that I'm just being too hard on myself trying to write a blog after 12 hours between my two jobs (with four more remaining). How can one be expected to come up with inspiration after proofreading a database(s) of over-the-counter testosterone boosters?

That should be evidence I have hit the wall in all aspects of my life. With my cynical nature, joking about the need for male virility should be at least comic bronze...maybe silver.

I'm comfortable with ending the blogs on down notes, not so much opening them. Then again, I've been opening the last installments with pleas for materials to help promote "Main Event of the Dead." With zero reaction to those in the past month, it emphasizes the bummer my efforts seem to be.

Regardless of how lonely this blog reminds me that I am, I gotta come up with something that I can get snarky about, otherwise I have to go right to my panic invoking theory on existence. Too my credit though, it isn't as sinister as Johnny Depp's latest movie premise. Aren't we glad that I couldn't pass computer programming courses to cause damage beyond myself.

Rationalization 37 (Preview): Complete = Defeat

Maybe I'm not as self destructive as I thought I was. There's a degree of fear to completing this series of blogs because it leaves me where all I have to do is experiment with my theory that being alive is the same as being dead.

So, the cat is out of the box. At least it's found some life from the blog. Guess it's best to just wrap this one up and hope I can get around to finalizing everything I've been rationalizing. Maybe I'll have some subtle comedy to open the next installment up.

May I never be complete. Too bad I feel helpless to just let the chips fall where they may. Especially when the chips are being hoarded...

Back to 2003, shut up Russ. No need to elaborate how you've metaphorically punch Brad Pitt in the ear.