
Sunday, June 10, 2012

B-Movie Zombies: Imagine if they involved pro wrestling.

I've definitely been vague about the plot of "Main Event of the Dead."  That is because I spent the money to get the copyright for it, so I really don't want anyone who is aware of the project to skew the story a little bit to get around my possession of my premise.  I.e. stealing my idea.

This blog contains a request for anyone to come up with a poster design to post on the website to at least make the project eye catching when we submit this to kickstarter or indiegogo, (which you can submit by contacting me on Facebook, but until I get that or some other advertisement imagery, the people who visit this website at least need an idea of what I am at least trying to get the film to be reminiscent of.

So below are a couple of B-Movie (cheaper than Syfy Channel and maybe even "Birdemic") films that inspired me to try and give my own twist on the genre.

Both are available on Netflix before if you need to further research before making an investment in a project that I promise will be better than "The Room."  "Main Event of the Dead" should at least be basic cable, April Fools Day prank worthy.

"It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want To"

"Zombie Apocalypse (The one without Ving Rhames)"

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Zombie Stall...Any pointers on anxiety?

A lot of self reflection (and yes I know my to my true friends find that redundant) about the lack of knowing myself [maybe I'm the one...sad "The Matrix" reference I know and since fat people exist (I am working on removing myself from their numbers), we are really in the real world] has consumed my thoughts of late.  I was about to have posted an edited an e-mail to my ex-girlfriend who was not from Morton Jr. High School requesting her to think of me as less of a dick, but thankfully the inability to state my most recent, potentially tasteless thought in 140 characters has resulted in me questioning the exploitation of the people whom beyond CM Punk who make pro wrestling relative.
To help promote "Main Event of the Dead" and a Kickstarter project for it, I was thinking about doing the Zombie Crawl (June 10, 2012 Farmington Road, Peoria, IL) with Road Warrior Hawk face paint.  It would just be cheaper that putting one of my lucha libre mask though hell.

I mean, I have bastardized the legend of Black Shadow enough when I created my DIY Union Jack mask for "El Futbol Loco."  Do I really want to tear up an El Santo mask?  I just talked myself out on  modifying it for Rabbit Mask (or Killer Cottontail, your choice).

I suppose I could try to get a Blue Blazer mask, but that would definitely be too much.  Suppose I could get away with Black Tiger though.  How many Smarks are out there really?

No, "Main Event of the Dead (Feel free to ask for a script treatment at" will not feature zombified tributes to wrestling greats, but if any hack writer can make money off Chris Benoit why cannot I, a clinically depressed, nonjudgmental fan like myself make a buck?

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

Too long, too drunk to tweet, the good or bad taste of "Main Event of the Dead"

A lot of self reflection (and yes I know my to my true friends find that redundant) about the lack of knowing myself [maybe I'm the one...sad "The Matrix" reference I know and since fat people exist (I am working on removing myself from their numbers), we are really in the real world] has consumed my thoughts of late.  I was about to have posted an edited an e-mail to my ex-girlfriend who was not from Morton Jr. High School requesting her to think of me as less of a dick, but thankfully the inability to state my most recent, potentially tasteless thought in 140 characters has resulted in me questioning the exploitation of the people whom beyond CM Punk who make pro wrestling relative.
To help promote "Main Event of the Dead" and a Kickstarter project for it, I was thinking about doing the Zombie Crawl (June 10, 2012 Farmington Road, Peoria, IL) with Road Warrior Hawk face paint.  It would just be cheaper that putting one of my lucha libre mask though hell.

I mean, I have bastardized the legend of Black Shadow enough when I created my DIY Union Jack mask for "El Futbol Loco."  Do I really want to tear up an El Santo mask?  I just talked myself out on  modifying it for Rabbit Mask (or Killer Cottontail, your choice).

I suppose I could try to get a Blue Blazer mask, but that would definitely be too much.  Suppose I could get away with Black Tiger though.  How many Smarks are out there really?

No, "Main Event of the Dead (Feel free to ask for a script treatment at" will not feature zombified tributes to wrestling greats, but if any hack writer can make money off Chris Benoit why cannot I, a clinically depressed, nonjudgmental fan like myself make a buck?

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

We gotta get "Main Event of the Dead" rolling. Need some sense that my efforts can be rewarded

Artwork needed for "Main Even of the Dead."  1% need not apply.

So, I will hold off on posting my blog about how psychotherapy is a load of bullshit (sorry, it all depends on the therapist), because my indie movie project needs your help.

I had just finished the reinvention of, so now I must move on to So far, I have put $2000 into the my debut feature already. Thus, I can justify paying for a teaser poster for this project.

The website can be created fairly quickly, but it should feature more than text. A lot of productions trying to gain funding on usually feature video of someone trying to sell you on the project, but we know how well I speak pu...pu...publicly. Plus, I am still old school about web design, and hate turning my site into a TV channel.

It is a computer for Christ sake, and who knows, a potential associate producer may only get to view the Internet at work where firewalls would kill the video or even block the site. And I am all about not judging people, so I cannot discriminate against the miserly of those still using dial up.

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

Artwork needed for "Main Even of the Dead." 1% need not apply.

Artwork needed for "Main Even of the Dead."  1% need not apply.

So, I will hold off on posting my blog about how psychotherapy is a load of bullshit (sorry, it all depends on the therapist), because my indie movie project needs your help.

I had just finished the reinvention of, so now I must move on to So far, I have put $2000 into the my debut feature already. Thus, I can justify paying for a teaser poster for this project.

The website can be created fairly quickly, but it should feature more than text. A lot of productions trying to gain funding on usually feature video of someone trying to sell you on the project, but we know how well I speak pu...pu...publicly. Plus, I am still old school about web design, and hate turning my site into a TV channel.

It is a computer for Christ sake, and who knows, a potential associate producer may only get to view the Internet at work where firewalls would kill the video or even block the site. And I am all about not judging people, so I cannot discriminate against the miserly of those still using dial up.

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.